2001-10-19 04:33:00
Rick may have a point on cover-ups concerning innovative energy sources. In any industry where considerable money is invested and upon which thousands of jobs depend, there will be resistance to any plan that can make them obsolete.
We must understand that this is not evil, but a natural reaction to the present competitive system. Eventually, as abundance for all becomes available, competition will give way to cooperation and this type of resistance will be a thing of the past.
Such a time is still in the future and for the present we must expect this resistance, accept it for what it is and work around it.
I'm sure that there are many inventions that can help humanity that are being covered up, but sooner or later the better ones will always come to the surface - some just take a while.
Rick listed some interesting alternatives - sounds like he's ahead of his time.
Tesla had the idea that the earth itself creates unlimited energy through its oscillation and he felt he could invent an antenna that a person could put on his roof and obtain unlimited energy. Too bad he never perfected it. Or maybe he did and we do not know about it.
Rick came pretty close to stating Djwahl Khul's law of conservation when he said: "With any form of power, the main rule of conservation should read, don't take more than you can use or maintain."
All lives in the universe eventually learn this lesson of the avoidance of waste.
On the other hand, there is another law called "the law of abundance," which was mentioned by Christ when he said: "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10
Three ingredients necessary for life are a symbol of this abundance: water, earth and air. No matter how many people there are on this little planet there will always be more water than all of combined can use, more earth than necessary to grow plants for us and plenty of air to breath.
But even though we have this abundance, note how the cells in our body take all they need, yet not more than they require. They each take the oxygen, water and elements they need, but no more and then allow the other cells to fill their needs with no hoarding or unnecessary waste by any.
Even so, the coming age will be one where use will be efficient, yet the Law of Abundance will also be applied and the wise will have all their needs fulfilled.
This is a lesson that many who call themselves environmentalists need to learn. Many of the radical among this group actually desire an economic collapse, the destruction of industry, of technology, of capitalism and a return to a life style similar to the Amish. Many seem to think it is evil that we use as much energy as we do and want to see us sacrifice our needs as a matter of principle whether it is necessary or not.
Believe me, the new age will not be highlighted by barn building, slopping hogs and reading by candlelight. Instead, look more in the direction of advanced technology, right human relations and a more abundant life that was thought possible in any previous age of our remembrance.
"If you can reach some of the financial abundance and deflect it towards the ends of the Great White Lodge of which the Christ is the Master, it will be, at this time, one of the most constructive things you can do to help." DK
Copyright 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved