2001-10-7 15:07:00
"A second sign (of dark conspiracies) is that many of their plans and goals are closely held secrets."
To my words here, Bernard seems to then ask why we would not consider any country with a secret service in alignment with the Dark Brotherhood?
First, I gave four signs to look for. One must look at these as a whole. Singling out isolated black and white pockets never leads to full vision.
It is obvious that every individual, every group and every nation has its secrets, as well as the Masters and God Itself. This does not alone imply alignment with dark forces.
I was referring to plans reflecting motive and intention. Looking at the free nations as a whole, their motive is out in the open and it is basically this. They want to increase the standard of living of the world, to enhance the quality of all life on the planet, to expand the democratic process (however imperfectly they see it), to eliminate poverty, and to live and let live.
The live and let live motive is only changed when other forces surface to forcefully prevent the freedom of a nation or group to peacefully pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Of course, you can point out pockets within the free nations that follow dark methods, but we are looking at wholeness here. Even Jesus Himself had some bad bacteria in His body, but to judge the whole from a part is illusion.
On the other hand, the true dark conspirators mask their intentions with secrecy. Hitler always claimed he wanted peace while it is now known that he was planning war all along. He stated that he was not a threat to Poland shortly before he invaded it. Time after time he refused to reveal his intentions whereas the intentions of Britain, France and the United States were out in the open.
This same principle applies with the Mob. When is the last time you have seen their mission statement published for all to read?
Even so with the terrorists. They claim to be fighting in the name of Allah and Mohammed, yet their motives are completely out of alignment with the Koran and mainstream Muslim interpretation.
They strike the Twin Towers and the Pentagon after years of masking their motive while living among us.
Today, (Oct 7) we are attacking back after giving clear warning and revealing our intentions. In addition to this we are dropping millions of dollars worth of food and supplies to refugees of the innocent people who may be affected.
Did we see the terrorists reaching out in friendship giving aid to the 6000+ victims of 911? No, they were rejoicing in their pain.
If one cannot see some differentiation between light and dark here, it is an amazing thing.
A third sign is that they are willing to destroy anyone who gets in their way of their desires which center on selfishness. Destroying, women, children and innocent people pose no problem. Even destroying their own country and their own people would not stop them.
This has been done by all countries and religious organizations in the world- so then they must be all terrorists? or only when it fits a personal agenda and judgment?
I find it strange that you seem to wish to strip us of all discernment and lump every nation, religion, group and individual in the same bag as the terrorists.
This is simply not true and you have no evidence to back up such an assumption. This idea also runs contrary to all teachings released by the Brotherhood of Light and inspired scriptures of the entire planet.
If you are looking for evil you will see evil. In your writings so far you have not said anything good about the United States or the free world, as if you are seeing them through the eyes of an enemy. Yet there is much good to see and many good foundations on which to build. The terrorists have few if any good or usable foundations on which to build for a better world.
I said the dark forces are willing to destroy their own country and their own people and you blithely decree that all countries and religions do this?
Let me give two examples where the dark ones have attempted this. During World War II Hitler destroyed 6,000,000 Jewish citizens of his own country. Near the last days of the war he was so disgusted with his own soldiers that he ordered them to be killed. Fortunately for them this order was not carried out.
When Saddam Hussein saw that he lost the Gulf War he lit up all his oil fields even though most scientists warned that it would destroy his own country (and others) with a nuclear winter. Fortunately they were wrong.
None of the nations of the free world have done anything like these two examples. Sure you can go back hundreds or thousands of years and find atrocities, but in the current civilization the difference between light and dark among the nations and peoples of the earth is becoming pronounced and highly visible. It is only at our peril that we close our eyes to it.
"A fourth sign is that its members are controlled through fear."
To this statement Bernard insinuates we must be terrorists because the catastrophe of 911 caused fear in the hearts of some.
To compare the fear of the victims of 911 to the fear instilled by an organization which kills you if it is crossed or disobeyed is ludicrous. If you wish to correct me, you must argue with what I do say, not with what I do not say.
"or maybe they are not killed so easily in democratic countries-- Eye see you run if the bullets fly-- remember China?
China is not a democratic nation, my friend.
The death of a pacifist or dissident for just speaking his mind is very rare in the democratic nations, whereas there is often wholesale killing and imprisonment in totalitarian regimes. Again, you are attempting to equate the best of humanity with the worst of humanity. What motive could you have for this?
"soundness of mind is the key of knowledge, is it knot?"
I am happy to end with a note of agreement.
Copyright 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved