2001-9-26 05:30:00
John Z asks:
"Was the modern-day suffering of the Indians due to an unsettled cause' from the ancient past? Or was it simply a collective of individuals exercising their free will in the environment at the time?"
Both. And some of those who were the cause of the suffering of American Indians were ancient Nephites reincarnated as white Americans fighting the descendants of the Lamanites.
Djwahl Khul tells us that there are a group of very high entities called the "Lords of Karma" who guide events to insure that karma is justly administered.
When a negative act happens, like a murder for instance, the victim is rarely just some person randomly selected, even if this is the conscious intent of the criminal. The one who commits such a crime is as much an instrument of murder as the cause, for if the victim with karma to pay was not a victim of person "A" he would then be a victim of person "B."
Through one means or another, each negative cause that we send out has an effect returned in kind that makes us a prisoner of karma as indicated by Jesus: "Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing." (Matt: 5:26)
"But, when all is said and done and I get through chasing this 'chain of causes,' I do not end up back here in ancient America, looking at some 'root' cause."
There is a chain of causes responsible for all current effects and circumstances. Every historian realizes this and traces back almost every aspect of our civilization to events which occurred over thousands of years. By the Law of Correspondences that which applies to the greater applies to the lesser and therefore applies to the eternal pilgrim passing through numerous lifetimes.
"Please explain the mechanics of how actions of people in the past, could force people to act in certain ways in the present."
The discovery of the printing press centuries ago does not force people to print and read books today. Even though books are printed through free will, activities this effect of the invention is completely predictable.
The results of karma are similar. If you murder someone, for example, you initiate a force that is eventually picked up by someone who by their own free will returns the deed.
Some take issue with the scripture I quoted that there is a time and place for all things -- even a time to make war. There is a time to turn the other cheek as the Christ taught and then there is a time not to as taught by John the Beloved:
"And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True (Christ), and in righteousness he doth judge and make war." (Rev 19:11)
Here we are told that even Christ will make war when it is done "in righteousness." Righteousness basically means to make right use of.
Djwahl Khul [through Alice A. Bailey] tells us that the Christ Himself did actually make war against Hitler and the Axis forces during World War II by working through Allied leaders. This was definitely a right use of war.
We now have a new war to face, and the world wide network of terrorists who desire to destroy civilization again arouse the Christ to wage a new war in righteousness. Let us all hope that those here on earth who lead the charge will listen to the voice of their true general.
Still on the agenda is "what I would do." Coming soon.
"The pieces of the bodies of the infidels were flying like dust particles. If you had seen it with your own eyes, your heart would have been filled with joy."
-- Osama Bin Laden(Note: The infidels he spoke of were the Americans aboard the U.S.S. Cole)
Copyright © 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved