2001-9-21 03:56:00
My Friends,
Some will criticize the speech that George Bush gave tonight because he spoke of aggressively seeking out the terrorists and destroying them. Does this sound like something that Christ and His Hierarchy would support?
Read the words given by Djwahl Khul speaking for Christ and His Hierarchy to Alice A. Bailey in June 1940 and in place of the word "Germany" substitute "terrorists." What he says here may surprise you.
Everything he writes here applies to us today and the wording would not have to change much if he were to speak to us live.
Read and you'll understand why I felt the Spirit of God as George Bush spoke tonight.
Would you have me at this time of planetary crisis refrain from direct speech, have me withhold from you who read my words the truth-a truth which is already apparent to those who ponder the signs of the times with an unprejudiced mind, unbiased thought and a true love of humanity? This last quality, a true love of humanity, constitutes a basic test of wrong or right action. It is phenomenally clarifying if applied at this time to the combatants. Would you have me deal with pleasant platitudes anent a future happy world, when perhaps the very possibility of such a world trembles in the balance? Would you have me present the attitude of the Hierarchy as that of a placid band of onlookers, ready to help the world when the conflict is over, but at present insulated from all action and simply waiting till the dust and clamour of battle settle, to stimulate in men's minds the vision of a new world order wherein everyone will have a good time, where there will be no unemployment, wherein fear and terror will find no place and everyone will be happy, well fed and reasonably intelligent? Would you have me picture to you the great band of disciples, initiates and aspirants as a band of pacifists, cherishing the form side of life, afraid of death and remaining passive in the face of the death struggle of human liberty, of life, conscience and mind?
I tell you that this I cannot do. The Hierarchy is very different from this. Pacifism, as interpreted by you, has no place in its ranks. The destruction of form in battle (which causes so much fear to many of you) is of small importance to those who know that reincarnation is a basic law of nature and that there is no death. The forces of death are abroad today, but it is the death of liberty, the death of free speech, the death of freedom in human action, the death of truth and of the higher spiritual values. These are the vital factors in the life of humanity; the death of the physical form is a negligible factor in relation to these, and one easily righted again through the processes of rebirth and fresh opportunity.
I would say to those who preach a passive attitude in the face of evil and human suffering and who endorse a pacifism which involves no risks: With what do you propose to fight the forces of aggression, of treachery, evil and destruction which are today stalking over our planet? What weapons do you bring to this combat? How will you begin to stem the onslaught and arrest the whirlwind? Will you use prayers for peace, and then patiently wait for the forces of good to fight your battle and for God to do the work? I tell you that your prayers and your wishes are unavailing when divorced from right and potent action. Your prayers and petitions may reach the throne of God, symbolically speaking, but then the reply comes forth: The Forces of Light will strengthen your arms and turn the tide in your favour if you stand up and fight for that which you desire. Who will arrest the progress of aggressive selfishness if the men and women of goodwill rest back upon their idealism and do naught that is practical to justify their hope or aid in the materialisation of the desired ideal.
There are those in the world today who (despite past national selfishness and wrong) are fearlessly and with true insight fighting humanity's battle, and with them the Hierarchy stands, as it has ever stood on the side of liberty, right understanding and correct attitudes in human affairs. I would say to those who cry, "Peace, peace when there is no peace": Are you going to profit by their death and sacrifice when the ultimate triumph of the Forces of Light comes to pass? Are you going to take the position that you can then live in a safe world because others gave their lives that you might do so? Are you going to issue forth from the safe security of your pacifist alibi and gratefully acknowledge what they have done and grasp your share of the gains which they have purchased at such a cost? I would warn you not to be glamoured by the false premise that you must stand by your hard-earned convictions, even at the expense of other peoples' lives and the downfall of nations, forgetting that fear and false pride will make this argument of importance to you. Are the peace-minded people of the world going to reap the benefits of a peace for which they have paid no price? It is the people who value peace above all else who are today seeking by every possible method to stop Germany.
Let me tell you something about the peace for which the Hierarchy works and which the spiritually minded people of the world envisage even whilst they fight, and for which they are ready to pay the ultimate price. Peace, when it comes, will be the result of right world conditions and right human relationships. It is an effect and not a cause; it is the effect of certain subjective attitudes which are not yet present in the world on a sufficiently wide scale. Against these emerging conditions Germany has assembled her potent war machine, after years of scientific and planned preparation. Today the Allies stand waiting the opportunity for the final struggle with that potent nation, prepared to institute afterwards those conditions which will guarantee peace. There is no peace on the planet anywhere today. There is no peace in the questioning hearts of those who are not actively sharing in the struggle against evil. There is no peace in any field of human endeavour. It is not to be found in the economic field, torn as it is by the conflict between labour and capital, and between great schools of economic thought; it is not to be found in the religious field, where the struggle is going on between authority (tainted with old world churchianity) and experimental religion; it is not to be found in the social order, where class is ranged against class, poor against rich, and man against his brother; it is certainly not in the political field, where party strife controls and blinds the warring groups, hiding the wider vision of world affairs and the needs of humanity as a whole. There is no peace, and peace will not come through an applied and fanatical pacifism or through the loud talking and wishful thinking of those who hate war and who at the same time swell the tide of conquest and delay true victory by their violently uttered opposing views.
I tell you that all nations hate and oppose war; even Germany, behind the imposed terror, shrinks in horror at what is being done. The same love of peace which inspires the ordinary pacifist inspires those who are today fighting in order that peace may be the result of their sacrifice and the effect of the establishing of those right conditions which Germany is set to prevent. Yet many neutrally minded and pacifist people are unwilling to pay any price for what they profess so much to cherish. A complete refusal to fight on the part of the Allies and of those who are seeing with clarity the issues at stake would open the door to the world domination of the Forces of Materialism and Aggression. It is upon this that these evil forces count when they face the greatest neutral of all, the United States of America, (Written June 1940 - before Pearl Harbor) and for which they are preparing as they disseminate their lying propaganda and plant their agents in every country and every state-preparatory to a peaceful conquest of a people who refuse sufficiently to value the spiritual issues at stake to take positive action.
And we, the teachers on the inner side, who for aeons have aided in the preparation of humanity for the coming age of peaceful cooperation and brotherhood, see all this future hope imperilled. Aggression and the rape of peaceful nations go steadily forward, as nation after nation crumbles under the iron heel of Germany, grinding the peoples of the world and sweeping them into slavery on a scale of serfdom and cruelty that the world has never before seen. As those who sought to arrest German progress succumb to treachery and pain and desert their comrades, the machine of evil marches on; neutral nations, resting back upon their peaceful intent and the claims of civilisation, are absorbed by the forces which impose the German demand for living space, and are thus denuded of liberty, of territory, and of all economic resources. And, at the same time, the greatest and most powerful neutral nation in the world arms for defense of its territorial rights, but refuses to arm for the defense of human liberty.
Do I speak too strongly to those of you who are not participating in this planetary war? I speak with clarity because I seek to arouse you to the true issues whilst there is yet time. I seek to arrest in you the idea that the western hemisphere is the seat of all civilisation, the custodian of the best that there is in humanity, and that the spiritual future of humanity lies in the cherished land of liberty. Liberty is a thing of the human soul and is found throughout the entire human race. Civilisation is a universal human right and not the prerogative of one nation. I tell you that humanity is everywhere spiritually minded and that the new race, the coming civilisation, and the new age culture will be found throughout the world-the universal inheritance of the human race. But everywhere humanity is the victim of propaganda-a propaganda which can only be seen in its true light when men think in terms of human liberty; when they together take the needed steps to ensure human happiness, and learn in so doing to face world conditions as they are, not hiding their heads in a dream world of their own making.
From The Externalization of the Hierarchy
Copyright 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved