1999-1-5 10:21:00
I've really enjoyed your posts today. I thought John gave a very intuitive analysis of the Garden of Eden. Kurt, glad you're staying with us. This is the first time I took a conscious chance of offending a list member but I think it is important to study the possible obstacles (such as the prayer) as they cross our paths. Thanks to Samu for posting my writings and thanks to the group for staying with us as we get into an area where learning is difficult, but extremely important.
A tip or two picked up here and rightly incorporated may save you as many as a half dozen lives on the way to liberation. Even saving five years of wasted time should warrant some attention. Then every once in a while a person takes the dark path and throws away approximately 1000 lifetimes and the pralaya between creations. When the Dark Brother chooses his path he does so in full awareness making a definite decision, so if you or anyone you know still has even the slightest desire to help your brother or sister then you have not committed the unpardonable sin.
The group has come up with some good quotes on the three deceptions, but I'm looking for understanding of them within your own minds., This must register if we are to properly deal with them so let me ask you another question that may point us the right direction.
We know that Hitler was greatly deceived. Was he fooled by all three deceptions, two of them or just one? Pick the deception that you think caused him the greatest problem and tell us why this is so.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved