2001-9-19 03:48:00
We are in a period of transition with co-teachers. Anni has been graciously taking the job for some time now and has done a great job. I feel like I could just use her help forever, but it's time to give someone else a chance.
That someone is Mindy. Like Anni, she is one of the founding members of the Keys list and has a strong interest in Theosophy and the Bailey books. Since the list began Mindy has spend quite a bit more time working behind the scene than posting directly on the list. She has always sought to help individual members where help is needed.
We are in an unusual situation now where the current disaster is setting the direction of the discussion and then we still have to finish up on nuclear energy. After this we shall get back to discussions more related to the course on White Magic. In the meantime Mindy can use her judgment about whether or not she wants to jump in.
I want to remind readers that freeread.com is back in service and now have a secure ordering service and hopefully all typos are corrected.
I am working on my answer to the question at hand and hope to present it to you tomorrow.
In the meantime here is a new question for you to consider:
Many report that this disaster has altered them forever, some in positive ways and some negative. Has the disaster altered you? If so, how is your view or outlook different now than it was before 9/11/2001?
Copyright 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved