2001-9-15 05:24:00
Gina's post was written in HTML so I edited it out and am posting it for her below. If you set your e-mail program for text it should come out looking as it does below.
Greetings all,
Before I put in my two cents in response to the assignment at hand, I would like to post a rather long quote from noted metaphysical author, Dolores Cannon's ' Conversations with Nostradamus', Volume III.
In this third book, Dolores Cannon uses regressive hypnosis to channel the noted prophet. She uses various subjects for the task. In the section on the anti-Christ, she gets an explanation of the following quatrain:
The Gardon will flood Nimes so high that they will think Ducalion has been reborn. In the colossus the greater part will flee, Vesta's fire appears extinguished in the tomb.
Nostradamus explains that this refers to an incident in the next world war. The conflict that will be in the process of developing that the anti-Christ will take advantage of. He says this describes an opposing power bombing the Pentagon. Cannon was surprised, "The Pentagon"? she asked.
Nostradamus replied yes. The "colossus" refers to the Pentagon. He says "Vesta's fire appears extinguished in the tomb" is a descriptive phrase describing the bomb dropping down on the Pentagon with a fiery wake, exploding there, and being covered up with smoke. And he says, "extinguished in the tomb" means it will be the type of bomb that kills the people without damaging the structures too much. It will turn the Pentagon into a tomb.
It then goes on to Nostradamus referring to the country who cast the bomb, "The Gardon". Their political leader will flood the press with misinformation, plus he will draft and conscript so many into his army that it would appear to be a flood of war-making pouring out to sow discord on all involved.
Nostradamus also explains that this was to create confusion-perhaps to keep the United States from actively participating for a period of time. The bombing of the Pentagon was to throw the US into sufficiently into chaos to assist the other side in attaining some of their goals.
Does this sound like what's happening now? Has anyone else heard thing stated by the press that they are now recanting on or it has been all of a sudden hushed?
Nostradamus tells of dealing with distortion taken to the highest distortion. So I first say be careful of what we are listening to and believing. As far as stopping this group, he says this is not an accident. The way he feels about it is that it is for the purpose of this information is to uplift all of humanity. So going in and blowing up or assassinating this man, would relieve all people from their responsibility of cleaning up their own emotional actions and judgments.
We NEED to change. This would certainly be an impelling reason to change.
He goes on to say in another quatrain that this "anti-Christ" will be great in name. His name will be on everybody's lips all over the world, but what he will be doing is very evil. In the end this anti-Christ will be defeated, but at a great cost.
As with any predictions, I feel we have the power to change them. Through positive action and opening our hearts to good. This will be the downfall of this evil after all doesn't good always prevail.
I hope we can. This does seem to be a difficult time in which to love our enemy(ies).
My apologies for this long statement.
Thanks for listening.
Copyright 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved