2001-9-11 15:41:00
Much appreciation for those of you encouraging thoughts and prayers toward the victims the disaster today. Unfortunately, the damage is done and there is much pain and suffering to follow no matter how many prayers are to be said.
Nothing speaks louder than action and now is a call to action. We must take all possible measures to prevent this situation and worse (nuclear, germ attack) to occur. We must ignore those who accuse defensive action as being "fear based" and do what is necessary so average people will not have to wrestle with fear of this sort.
It would have been a good thing if we had allowed some extra fear to wake us to the awful possibility of our vulnerable situation and taken additional precautions.
A little fear can be a constructive force to wake us to reality. The dismissal and suppression of fear by many in this country today has put the world to sleep concerning the real perils, which we face.
We are more worried about what happens to Gary Condit and Monica Lewinsky than the fate of our nation, the world and generations to come.
I therefore issue a call to awake to the reality of our various dangerous circumstances and act in a positive way.
Most probably this disaster was caused by those who felt they were pleasing God and would go to heaven for giving their lives to destroy their fellow men and women.
This emphasizes the point recently made about the danger we face in religious division and separateness.
This makes the Principles of Unification all the more timely and necessary. A religious war must be diffused and prevented or the hopeful new age could turn into an old stone age.
Copyright 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved