2001-9-6 04:52:00
Sorry I missed your comment on the "dumbing down" Susan. I'll attempt to be more diligent.
Several wanted to know whether the atomic bomb was a creation inspired by the light or dark brothers. Actually both were working on it during the war and by around 1942 Hitler had laid out a strategy that could have successfully developed it. DK tells us that what saved us from such peril was the massed cry and prayers of humanity which desired liberation from the Nazi forces.
This massed evocation of humanity caught the attention of high entities beyond our solar system who have the power to intervene on our behalf. He tells us that they then clouded the minds of the German scientists and enlightened the minds of the Allied scientists. Thus were Hitler's efforts frustrated and the Allies successfully created the bomb.
Djwahl Khul predicted the development of atomic energy about twenty years before its creation and he states that it will become a source of power for us that will free the hands of much of humanity to make the goals of the new age possible. Basically, he says the end use of atomic energy will be for the good of mankind.
Below are some quotes from the Bailey writings you may find of interest.
Is the etheric web of the planet sufficiently stable and balanced so that it can adequately respond to the new and potent forces which could and will pour through it into objective expression? I would remind you that the release of atomic energy has had a far more potent effect in the etheric web than in the dense physical vehicle of the planet. Three times the atomic bomb was used, (written Jan 1946) and that fact is itself significant. It was used twice in Japan, thereby disrupting the etheric web in what you erroneously call the Far East; it was used once in what is also universally called the Far West, and each time a great area of disruption was formed which will have future potent, and at present unsuspected, results.
This destruction ... and the consequent release of their imprisoned souls, is a necessary happening; it is the justification of the use of the atomic bomb upon the Japanese population. The first use of this released energy has been destructive, but I would remind you that it has been the destruction of forms and not the destruction of spiritual values and the death of the human spirit-as was the goal of the Axis effort.
3. The world war then reached a final stage; the first stage was from 1914-1918; it then proceeded in a subterranean fashion, only to erupt once more in 1939, continuing with extreme fierceness and cruelty till 1945, when the power to continue the fight ended and the atomic bomb wrote finis to the world chapter of disaster. That atomic bomb (though used only twice destructively) ended the resistance of the powers of evil because its potency is predominantly etheric. Its uses are twofold at this time:
a. As the forerunner of that release of energy which will change the mode of human living and inaugurate the new age wherein we shall not have civilizations and their emerging cultures but a world culture and an emerging civilizations, thus demonstrating the true synthesis which underlies humanity. The atomic bomb emerged from a first ray Ashram, working in conjunction with a fifth ray group; from the long range point of view, its intent was and is purely beneficent.
b. As a means in the hands of the United Nations to enforce the outer forms of peace, and thus give time for teaching on peace and on the growth of goodwill to take effect. The atomic bomb does not belong to the three nations who perfected it and who own the secrets at present-the United States of America, Great Britain and Canada. It belongs to the United Nations for use (or let us rather hope, simply for threatened use) when aggressive action on the part of any nation rears its ugly head. It does not essentially matter whether that aggression is the gesture of any particular nation or group of nations or whether it is generated by the political groups of any powerful religious organisation, such as the Church of Rome, who are as yet unable to leave politics alone and attend to the business for which all religions are responsible-leading human beings closer to the God of Love.
Owing to extra-planetary stimulation, to the immediate planetary crisis and to the present invocative cry of humanity, energy from Shamballa has been permitted to play upon the "centre which is called the race of men" and has produced two potent results: first, the world war was precipitated and, secondly, the fission of the atom, resulting in the atomic bomb, was brought about. Both these events were made possible by the pouring-in of the energy and power of the third aspect of the first Ray of Power or Will. This is the lowest aspect, and definite material effects were produced. The destroyer aspect was therefore the first aspect to take effect. It split the thought-form of materialistic living (which was governing and controlling humanity everywhere) upon the mental plane and, at the same time, it produced a great agent of destruction upon the physical plane.
Thus was the new era ushered in; thus was the stage set for a better future. This was the intent and the purpose of Those Who compose the Council Chamber of the Lord. It rests with humanity itself to take advantage of the proffered opportunity which this destructive manifestation made possible.
On the physical plane, the great scientific discovery, called colloquially the "splitting of the atom," will be turned eventually to the production of those conditions which will enable mankind to follow the good, the beautiful and the true. This, men will then be able to do, freed from the dread presence of purely materialistic thinking. This is no idle vision or vague dream. Many scientists today (and particularly those who love their fellowmen) are not only visioning the non-destructive aspect of atomic energy but are already engaged in harnessing-for the good of humanity-some of its products and its radioactive properties.
Curiously enough, it is the wise, controlled use of the results of this scientific adventure in connection with the atomic bomb which will eventually bring about a specific revelation of the nature of certain forces in relation to light; this event will transform world thinking and lead to a new type of transmutative process, as far as man is concerned.
Copyright 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved