2001-8-26 05:38:00
Distortion Number Seven:
"Alice A. Bailey is a racist and hates Jews, Blacks and other minorities. She and Djwahl Khul are seeking to eliminate inferior races and peoples and establish a Master Race as Hitler sought to do."
I had read through every word transmitted to Alice A. Bailey from Djwahl Khul before I came across this criticism and was somewhat surprised to see it. I had
to do some serious reflection before I could even figure out why the impartial writings could generate such a criticism.
In addition to deliberate distortion, there are two reasons why the writings have generated this belief:
It is true that Djwahl Khul spoke of some of the negative aspects of the Jews and their ancient religion, but he also spoke of the positive aspects. No
people are all positive or negative, so any critical analysis must involve both sides of an equation.
He said both positive and negative things about the occidental people, about the Orientals, about the United States, about England, about Russia, about France,
about the past about the present. He even criticized Ghandi of all people, but when you look at what he said even here his criticism made sense.
No one is infallible, not even a Master, especially when writing of current events and their solutions, but many of the Bailey writings were ahead of her
Here are some statements about the Blacks, referred to as Negroes in that time period (1930's and 40's):
"They (The United States) are broadly tolerant and yet most intolerant of other nations; they are ready to tell other nations how to handle their problems but as yet evidence no ability to handle their own, as witness the treatment of the American Negroes and the withholding of equal freedom and opportunity from them."
"The cry of the south that the Negro is not educationally fitted to vote is negated by the fact that he can and does vote in the northern states, in many cases as wisely as his white brother, and though his vote can often be purchased by electioneering politicians so also can that of the white voter; the cry that white women must be protected from the animal instincts of the Negroes means nothing, for they need equal protection from the animal instincts of the white man, and this statistics will adequately prove; the cry that paternalism is what the Negro needs and that only the southerner understands how to handle the Negro is disproved by the Negro himself who wants none of it; his repudiation of it demonstrates a sound sense of values and that he knows the distinction between paternalism (which keeps the Negro backward, uneducated and under obligation to the white) and the freedom which he wants to share with all men in the world."
"Unless both races, the black and the white, approach the problem of their relationship with sanity, with long range vision, with patience and without hatred or fear, the cultural history of our planet will be retarded for many years. The hitherto unused and unorganized power of the countless millions of Africa is something that the white race should carefully consider. They can place the Negro peoples as rapidly as possible on an equality of opportunity, of constitutional and human rights, and help them to pass through the stage of adolescence in which they are now to be found to that full and useful maturity in which they will handle their own problems and territory. This process is now going forward and Africa will thus take its place (through its many possible national groups) in the great family of nations and bring into the world arena a race with an amazing contribution to make of spiritual assets, cultural values and creative possibilities."
"The innate endowment of the Negro is very rich in content. He is creative, artistic and capable of the highest mental development when taught and trained-as capable as is the white man; this has been proved again and again by the artists and the scientists who have come out of the Negro race and by the fact of their aspirations and their ambitions. The time has come when the white man must cease to look upon the Negro as a field labourer, a factory hand, a beast of burden, or one only capable of housework or unskilled labour and accord him the respect and the opportunity which is due him."
(End Quotes)
Concerning the Jews, quite a bit positive and negative was written about them. If anyone wants to give me a real quote from the Bailey material I would be happy to comment on it, but just let me review the general line of thinking that Djwahl Khul has toward race.
Critics of Alice A. Bailey go out of their way to portray the writings as in harmony with the Nazis, but this is merely a deceptive ploy from a dark mind.
If one wants to destroy the good, the beautiful and the true these days you just mindlessly compare it to some Nazi belief and there will be some weak minds that
will swallow it without checking out the facts.
Even so, the main step in evolution will be the manifestation of a higher synthetic consciousness which will begin to manifest in the most highly spiritually evolved of each race and people. These spiritual people gathered from amongst all peoples will create the bridge that leads humanity into the kingdom of God.
The point is that all evolution as taught through Bailey is supposed to proceed naturally, without the use of force, constraint or the loss of individual freedom. Those who seek to use such force are those who are called the "Dark Brothers" in the writings.
Representatives (conscious and unconscious) of this Dark Brotherhood are willing to present themselves as ministers of purity and identify with that which the
public perceives to be good and quote from great men and women of the past, the scriptures and yes, even the words of Bailey to forward their purpose to control
humanity by force while they alone remain free.
But again, if we follow the basic idea of discovering the teachings of a work by examining that work directly one will see that the Bailey writings have been
very fair in the treatment of race, especially when one considers the hostile time period in which they were written.
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