Going Below the Threshold

2001-8-20 04:19:00

White Magic -- Lesson Two, Part 31

Time to say a few words about the principle governing knowledge and abilities that go below the threshold.

After summing up everyone's comments Anni states:

"It seems all the answers to this can go into one of two categories: 1. Automatic pilot 2. Pushed in the background when we no longer need them to give room for new ones. Automatic pilot indicates to me that the ability is still being used but that we don't think about it. Pushed in the background to give room for new ones indicates to me that we don't use the old under threshold talents any more but are working on them in a higher form. You could say that they are growing into a new and higher form (there is the spiral again)."


This is a good observation Anni. Actually what you are pointing out are two steps in putting knowledge and abilities below the threshold. The overall cycle has three steps:

  1. Mastery.

Here consciousness and attention are concentrated on mastering an ability of some kind. This could range from the multiplication tables to psychic abilities.

  1. After mastery is achieved then the mind goes on automatic pilot. For instance when a person sees 4 x 4 =?, he automatically knows the answer is sixteen without figuring it out in a step by step process. This automatic pilot process frees up his attention so he is able to place it on his next step in the learning process. If we had to recalculate step by step all of our communications our attention and consciousness would be so engaged that we would be unable to move ahead.
  2. After learning is completed within a sphere of human endeavor (and many branches of that endeavor are on automatic pilot) then the Higher Self determines that the branch of learning is complete for the time being. When this happens, all the knowledge of the entire subject is placed below the entire threshold of consciousness.

This is different than automatic pilot. In automatic pilot you know what 4 X 4 equals, but just automatically perform the calculation without going through the whole reasoning process. But if your learning of mathematics is placed below the threshold it would appear that your entire knowledge of the subject is lost.

For instance, if you study a second language such as Spanish and live in Mexico then after a while you will find that you will no longer have to review vocabulary and grammar, but you can respond in conversation as if on automatic pilot.

But if you now desire to go to France and learn their native language you will soon find that as you are concentrating on this new language that all knowledge of Spanish seems to have fled from your mind, as you no longer are using it or have a need for it.

In this case you have not lost your investment of learning Spanish, but because your attention is freed up to concentrate on new learning, your shift of attention away from Spanish has pushed your knowledge of it so far below the threshold of consciousness that you may have difficulty in even speaking the language if the demand were placed upon you.

This does not mean that you have lost the ability to speak Spanish for if you were to refocus your attention on the language and visit Mexico again you would find that the knowledge would come back to you quite quickly. Thus, even though the knowledge went below the threshold, you still had a huge advantage over those who have never studied the language.

Each time we are reborn we not only have many possibilities go below the threshold of consciousness, but the memory of hundreds of past lives also are not in our consciousness.

But if there is a reason for us to retrieve some learning from the ancient past, we will find we can pick it up quite quickly when the soul approves of our direction.

So what is the grand principle behind the placing of knowledge on automatic pilot and the below the threshold of consciousness?

The principle behind it lies in the limitations, or the ring-pass-not, of all life including God Itself.

In each sphere of livingness, all lives, whether great or small, are limited in the amount of area where consciousness can be placed. We can identify with this in our own lives when we attempt to learn something new. Remember when we all had to study for final exams in school? For most of us there was little else that one could think of except preparing for the coming tests. If a person had a goal to learn to play the guitar, this would be a bad time to begin because so little attention would be available for it. To learn something new outside of the normal studies one must pass the final and then place that learning out of the attention zone below the threshold of consciousness and then one can take productive guitar lessons.

All of us have numerous talents, abilities and knowledge which lie below the threshold of our consciousness and this is a good thing.


Because it frees up our attention so we can go on to greater things and master completely new avenues of endeavor.

It is entirely possible that you have greater musical talent than your favorite singer and greater acting ability than your favorite actor. Within your inner self you may have more understanding of science than Carl Sagan and more athletic ability than some Olympic champions. But you have placed your knowledge of many of these things below the threshold of consciousness so you can shift your attention to new fields of endeavor to expand your mastery until you arrive at the point where all fields of human endeavor are comprehended by you.

Even the Life of God itself has shifted its attention many times. In past eons the attention of God was on the creation and perfection of the atomic worlds. Now these microcosmic worlds are perfected God can place creative attention on higher worlds and the lesser worlds operate automatically below the threshold of His consciousness.

This principle is expressed somewhat paradoxically in DK's [Djwhal Khul] second rule for Initiates:

"Let there be no recollection and yet let memory rule."

This could be reworded as follows:

Do not waste attention on the process of recollection, but let the automatic memory, which lies below the threshold of consciousness, rule.

God does not waste His time recollecting how creation is held together. The memory is built into the body of the universe and this memory rules with great precision.


Name three fields of endeavor that must be placed below the threshold of consciousness before we can enter into the Kingdom of God?

As we approach the threshold of the kingdom where should our freed up attention be placed?


-- End Of Lesson Two, Part 31 --


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