2001-8-16 04:41:00
My Friends,
I am happy to be with you once again. My hard drive went down yesterday and after much work with Norton Utilities I managed to bring it back on line. Then I had to make a clean install of my Mac System that then required me to reinstall numerous programs and enter passwords so this is where my extra time has gone since I have returned.
On the positive side everything seems to be working like new again.
Susan, you might want to mention to Sterling that he may have a similar problem with his hard drive. It's possible a utility program could retrieve it.
I have been converting the gathering tapes to MP3 and should have them done in a couple days. I carried the microphone around on my person this time and tried to get the mike close to all participants so the quality sounds better this year.
It looks like everything recorded fine except the last half of my Friday night speech on the Molecular Relationship. For some mysterious reason the button on the mike switched to OFF about half way through and we lost about 45 minutes.
Thank you for your endorsements of The Principles of Unification.
When you think about it, the co-existence of religious and philosophical thought may be the greatest Key we have available to promote world peace. Almost every war that has ever been fought has been over religious difference. Even the Nazis had certain religious beliefs that made them initiate World War II and eventually attempt to exterminate the Jews.
Now when we look at the hot spots of the world, such as Kosovo and the Middle East we see that religion plays a prime role again. If Moslems, Christians and Jews could learn to see similarities rather than differences then the chances of all out war would be remote.
Now getting back to our subject, I want us to discover the principle involved in placing knowledge learned below the threshold of consciousness.
As we pass out of the tribal consciousness into the emotional our various instinctual talents are buried below the threshold.
As we pass out of the astral into the mental our psychic abilities we picked up along the way are also placed below the threshold.
As we develop the mind we also find that much of that we learn again goes below the threshold.
Why does this happen and what does it have to do with the principle of attention?
Copyright 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved