1999-1-3 09:20:00
I personally do not want to jump into the male-female philosophy until we cross several more bridges for without some degree of soul contact the friction is likely to be high. Therefore, I wish to concentrate our attention toward soul contact a while longer.
It is impossible for two people experiencing soul contact together to not reach agreement for Truth, Spirit and Soul is One in the Mind of God.
I will venture one comment and hope this does not get me in trouble.
Since it is an established fact that men have a greater tendency toward the left brain activity and females favor the right I mused about Glenys displaying very active right brain functioning.
I could have just as easily picked on Samu for his dazzling right brain maneuvers, which we all enjoy.
We will get to the mystery of the sexes and there is much to be revealed. A whole book will be dedicated to the subject.
Copyright © 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved