2001-8-1 04:55:00
John Zielke has lots of questions. I'll try to answer a few.
If a celestial being (say Christ), chose to lay down his resurrected body and again incarnate in a telestial earth, like ours --- does he again open himself up to the possibility that this time he may not live a perfect life, and thus may end up regressing to some degree?
Also, does this mean that perhaps Christ may have returned to earth since His official ministry, in other mortal incarnations, to help direct the affairs of the earth to some degree (or would He be more effective doing what He could from "on high"?).
One thing to keep in mind as you and others move ahead in doctrine from the fundamentalist churches is that even though you have truths gained through your religion, because of the traditions of men, these teachings have become rigid and the vision blurred toward the true reality.
You'll find that many of the teachings given here will seem to contradict many scriptural beliefs at first, but then after they are examined with an open mind the harmony with the real wording of scriptures will be quite close, actually closer than the religions.
Yes, it is possible that Christ could incarnate at any time. He has the power and can do so if He chooses. He also has the power to materialize a body and walk among us. Religious people keep telling us that God and Jesus have all power, but at the same time Their hands are tied and there are many things They cannot do, such as save damned souls, take a body if they please etc. This is a contradiction of belief they do not seem to want to face.
I do not believe that the Christ has incarnated in the past 2000 years, but has worked through the process of overshadowing disciples to varying degrees and working directly with mankind in this manner. I know that He worked with Winston Churchill during the War and inspired his words when he gave his "We shall never surrender" speech as he became prime minister to face Hitler.
Could one who has overcome death incarnate back with us regular mortals and retrogress?
Because our free will is an eternal principle this is always a possibility. In fact, one does not have to be in incarnation to make a bad decision.
Consider the one the scriptures called Lucifer. He lived a life on another world and overcame death (was exalted in Mormon language) but he (and actually one other immortal) fell from their high station.
What about Adam ... could he have previously gone through an inseparable connection had billions of spirit children then chosen to reincarnate to earth, to begin the mortal probation phase for those children?
The first Adam, or the first self conscious man, was indeed "the only God with whom we have to do" as Brigham young said. The Highest Master, (or God) of this earth incarnated in human form and became the first man. This did not happen 6000 years ago, however, but millions of years ago. This one who the scriptures call the Ancient of Days overcame death on a previous world.
Finally I was recently reading DC 138:16-18, that speaks of the righteous dead who received an inseparable connection at time of Christ's resurrection.
This vision talks about a reuniting of the spirit and body of the righteous, but it did not say this event actually happened yet. Instead the vision you speak of states that Christ organized the spirits (not bodies) of the righteous to go teach the spirits in prison. This union spoken of, for most of those Old Testament folk is still some distance in the future.
As far as the scripture which reads, "And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many." Matt 27:52-53
Many graves were open, but were opened by the earthquake that happened at the crucifixion. Some did see visions of saints from the spirit world, and perhaps several saw Masters in immortal bodies making an appearance, and merely assumed that they came from the open graves.
Christ opened the door for others to unite body and spirit, but the interpretation most religions have of this scripture is not entirely correct.
So, while reincarnation may be a fascinating subject, and my possible previous lives, a great mystery story, I do not see how one could say that pursuing such beliefs is a "graduation". Besides, without regressive hypnosis, how likely is it that the average person would ever find out the details of their former life. And, for that matter, if they were meant to be remembered ... why don't we?? Is God toying with us? Playing "hard to get?" Why the secrecy re. prior life memory???
Only those who are nearing the overcoming of death receive an accurate memory of their past lives. Sometimes average people do for a short time when they have had only a short space between lives. We do not have the memories because they would distract us in our present life missions.
More important than regaining memories for most of us is obtaining a clear concept of the principle. Without this knowledge, the person is drawn into all kinds of deception which paralyzes his progression and wastes his time.
A large portion of higher knowledge cannot be understood without the understanding of reincarnation.
I'll try and get to the rest of your questions shortly.
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