White Magic Lesson Two (Lecture Continued)

2001-7-30 10:54:00

We will now return to the lecture series on this course. Some of this material we have covered before, but since the subject is soul contact it is good that we review it from different vantage points.


White Magic -- Lesson Two, Part 24 -- Contact Thru The Soul

There are two types of energy you'll feel from the soul. One is the peace that passes all understanding, which is a very deep, abiding peace. That's an aspect of soul energy. But the fullness of the energy through the door of the soul also involves fire. The twelve apostles at Pentecost actually had visible fire appearing over each of their heads. When you have that happen to you someday, like they did, you will know what the fullness of the soul energy feels like. It would be hard for us to imagine how they felt when that happened.


"Did you say the two types of energy from the soul are the peace that passes understanding and Baptism by Fire?"


Yes, that's how your soul confirms to you that you are in alignment with what it wants. It will send you either an abiding peace or a burning spiritual fire so that you'll know that you're heading in the right direction. Before we reach that full soul contact there are grades that we will feel. If something is right, we may sense an inner voice, or we may sense contact with helpful entities from the astral world. The entities in the astral world have not achieved full soul contact themselves or else they wouldn't be in the astral world. They'd be masters.

We have all types of people contacting all types of entities. One way to tell a Master is that He can appear to you in the physical body and shake your hand. If this happens you will know that He has actually overcome death and is a Master of all physical causes. When you see a phantom form and try to take his hand and your hand passes through, you'll know he is an entity from the astral world. He may be harmless or he may not.

There are all kinds of entities in the astral world just like there are all kinds in this world. The inhabitants of the astral world come from this world of people who have passed over. We know there are all kinds of different entities here and the astral world is merely a continuance of what we have here. There are good guys and bad guys in both places. Any questions before we continue?


"I have a question. What is the Solar Angel?"


The Solar Angel is the soul. It's a name for the soul. He's called the Solar Angel because He works with solar energy from the Solar Logos.


"Did you say that love is a quality of the soul? If you have soul contact, besides the Baptism of Fire, besides feeling tremendous peace, you could feel tremendous love?


Yes, the love energy is the aspect of the God energy that radiates through the soul. So whenever you make soul contact you'll feel tremendous love. When you contact the Baptism of Fire, you'll feel a burning love like a fire. Okay, we're going to make some definitions here.

What is an aspirant?


"One who aspires to something?"


Yes, and that something is to be an accepted disciple in the eyes of the Masters.

What is a disciple?


"One who follows the soul."


Good. Not necessarily one who follows a guru, not for our purposes. For our purposes, a disciple is someone who follows the inner voice, not some person or some guru or maharashi. There are disciples for all these guys. A disciple, from the viewpoint of the hierarchy is someone who follows the soul no matter what and holds his mind steady in the light without wavering. That is a disciple. Somebody who has received some impulses from the higher self and they're willing to follow them.

What is intuition?


"Communication from the higher self?"


Good. It's communication from higher parts of yourself. Now, when I explain this to people, almost everyone I talk to thinks they have received intuitive knowledge, including people who are not very evolved at all in spiritual evolution. The reason they think this is that all of us pick up psychic feelings. Even the natives in Africa are very psychic, they're very in-tune with nature. But what the natives in Africa and the Aborigines in Australia pick up is not an intuition, but instinct. They pick up instinct, just like the animals pick up instincts. Swallows know when to return to Capistrano because of instinct, but they don't understand why they're doing it.

Instincts are inner impulses that different life forms follow but they don't understand why. They're just following nature because they don't have any sense of even resisting the flow a little like a child reacts when he touches a hot stove. On the other hand, man, as he evolves, also begins to develop mental ability and resists a lot of his instincts so he loses many of these natural abilities. He develops a "nobody better tell me what to do" attitude.

He resists these things and later becomes very astral grounded and the astral world is a mirror reflection of the solar world. At this point he will begin to mistake his emotional feelings and imagination for intuition. He'll get all kinds of feelings telling him what to do but he'll find generally, they lead him in the wrong direction. Even though his feelings will lead him into many perilous paths, the purpose of this phase is a good purpose; it leads us into greater experience. Did you ever notice that when you follow your emotions and your feelings it'll lead you into some very interesting experiences where you'll learn some interesting lessons? You never would have gone into these things had you been thinking, or in your "right mind."

Remember when you were young? You probably fell in love with somebody entirely wrong for you? If you followed your feelings you often made big mistakes, but you learned a lot. That's why our soul allows us to follow these feelings because we wouldn't go into these experiences if we were thinking and therefore would not learn what not to do.

A lot of us think that if we get a warm, emotional feeling on something that its intuition but its not. An aspect of emotional feelings is psychism. Psychism is sometimes accurate but it also has a lot of illusion behind it. It's not infallible. What the Tibetan calls higher psychism is intuition. Intuition is where you contact the soul and it will send you information. The difference between intuition and lower psychism the Tibetan talks about is when you receive intuition you will understand it. The average psychic gets all this information but usually do not understand the information or how they got it. They might say I got this from my guru or master or the spirit world. When you get intuition and contact the soul, you will understand it because the soul will give you enlightenment with it.


"I'm thinking that there must be another level of soul contact that you haven't yet described. I'll give you an example. It's not an emotional thing and it's not something that I understood either. I will sometimes get messages that will just come into my head, that if I were to sit down and logically use my brain power, I could think of a hundred reasons why that wouldn't work. I can't think of one good reason to follow it except that I feel an impulse that it's something I really should do but it doesn't have an emotional feel to it.


This could fit into the category of higher psychic impressions through the soul, but does not exactly fit into the category of intuition. All intuition involves the soul, but not all soul contact involves intuition. Flashes of intuition always come with understanding, but both higher and lower psychic impressions often leave the receiver wondering about the meaning and purpose of the revelation. The higher impressions through the soul will be very accurate, but the lower will be hit and miss.


"And my impressions lead me into the most marvelous paths. If I'd used my logic or intellect, I'd never be able to foresee this."


You don't understand it completely but you have proven it's pretty accurate.


"And if I follow it the best possible, beyond my imagination, things will happen. It's convincing to me that it's the higher self. If, on the other hand, you got a really strong burning feeling with that your soul is cooperating in that message."


"Oh yes, and sometimes it will repeat the same message if I'm not listening."


If you receive a message accompanied by peace or spiritual fire then this could indeed be through the soul. Intuition, on the other hand, is really fairly rare. Not many people use it because when it comes, it comes through a great deal of contemplation and many are too lazy to contemplate much. Contemplation on something is like planting a seed. If you take an idea and plant it in your mind and it grows and the soul light nourishes the seed then suddenly at an unexpected moment you will achieve enlightenment. It will be like a whole book of information will come at one time and you will understand everything about it when the intuition works. So what you've got is probably a high form of psychism. The lower form of psychism can be reliable sometimes but not always. The more you get tuned in the more accurate the message get until finally you can trust it 100%.


"I think part of it too, is recognizing where these ideas are coming from. I think that's the trick. I seem to have a feeling of what I am supposed to do whenever the message leads me into a really great situation and it's different than just getting an idea or a feeling. It's a feeling that this is the right way, that comes with it. If I listen to it, it goes against all logic."


I've had that happen in my life a number of times. I get messages, they don't make any sense, sometimes they've been confirmed by my soul and other times it hasn't been. I've found them to be very accurate but on the other hand, they haven't been infallible. Whenever it's confirmed by my soul energy it is infallible.


"If you can recognize where it's coming from, it's infallible, I think. The trick is saying, I got this message, now am I sure that it came from my soul and recognizing that last time it was really right and it felt like this and does it feel exactly like that now?"


If you get the fire connected with it, you won't ask, "Did it come from my soul?" You won't have any doubt at all. What I've found in my life are the psychic messages I've gotten are about 90% right. When they say something will happen, it generally happens. I think they are a little like a computer, where the source calculates but there's always the element of free will involved. That can change it a little bit because sometimes it turns out a little different than the message portrayed to me.


"But not your brain calculating?"


No, not my brain calculating. It's like you have a big psychic computer up there that knows all kinds of data that you don't have.


"Like how to meet your spouse? You go to this city and get this job?"


Right, and your soul won't direct you to a spouse unless it's really important for something for group consciousness or a group purpose of some kind. It won't direct you even to a spouse for an individual purpose. That would come from your higher mind. Like I say, this higher mind has all kinds of information available. It makes a calculation and if it sees something important that you're not aware of, it will send you the message. But maybe because of free will, it still didn't come out exactly the way it told you. Normally it's a very accurate computer. Normally if it happens this way it will tell you.

Let me give you an example in my life of something I received without soul contact. Just before 1980 rolled around, I woke up one morning and a voice came to my mind, and it says, "A new weapon has been developed, which if it is not contained, it will bring desolation within six years." I thought, "Wow, I better get on the ball and get some place of refuge or something." I really worked on this particular message for awhile. I was very concerned about this for about two years after I received it.

Then about two years after I received this, my intuition said to me, "You can relax; it's not going to happen." But it was a different sort of a message. Intuition is from, a place of silence. It wasn't like words forming in my mind, like the other message. And it didn't happen. I don't know what the deal was but I found out, by doing some research, that a possible weapon that congress was funding was the neutron bomb. Either some entity or my higher mind calculated that there was a real danger there and the message should given out to people on the planet. But it didn't happen. On the other hand, I didn't get strong soul confirmation on it either. If I would've, I would've really gotten excited.


"Is this higher mind tapping into the universal consciousness, the computer or is it the super conscious. It's not soul contact, it's the super contact."


Right. We call that the super conscious the motivational speakers talk about and it has a lot of information available that we don't have. But remember it's not infallible but it's a good idea to trust it because it's much more reliable than we are using our reasoning mind. Between trusting what seems logical between you and it, you probably want to trust it. When you get a message from your soul, you can take it to the bank -- it's 100% reliable. But it's not that you need to do this tomorrow or you need to marry someone. The soul will rarely send you a personal message.

It's always a message of enlightenment with purpose on something that will involve a group activity, something that will enlighten the masses, or help you to do your part in that. For instance, Jesus said, "Because I am here, the Holy Spirit cannot come. He cannot come until I leave." The reason was because they were looking on Him as a light rather than their souls. So He had to leave and when he left, where was there for the disciples to look? They remembered the words, "I will be with you to the end of the world." They began to look within. Then they made the soul contact which told them yes, the message of Christ was correct. Go with it. Thus they were willing to make whatever sacrifice necessary to fulfill their missions.

The only time we get full soul contact, is when we make that decision, that we'll follow it no matter what. When we make that decision, then we become an aspiring disciple and our soul will contact us and send us information.

We'll always be somewhat lacking full contact of the soul until we develop that attitude called faith. We must have faith in the inner voice because when we have faith in it, we will find it will always lead us to freedom, greater power, greater happiness, and greater fulfillment. When we lack faith in what we receive from our souls we will then suffer some type of lack in our spiritual progress. Christ is the best example of full contact because He had complete faith in everything He received through His soul so none were ever able to harm Him. Even when they tried to crucify Him, He was still unharmed and came to life again. He just allowed the crucifixion to demonstrate His invulnerability. So when you put complete faith in your soul, you will become invulnerable. It's when you begin to doubt, that pain comes in.

Concerning soul contact, Djwahl Khul states:

"Lack of faith, of calmness, of application, and the presence of emotional unrest will hinder. Long patience those on the inner side need in dealing with all who must, for lack of other and better material, be utilized. Some physical injudiciousness may make the physical body non-receptive; some worry or care may cause the astral body to vibrate to a rhythm impossible for the right reception of the inner purpose; some prejudice, some criticism, some pride, may be present that will make the mental vehicle of no use. Aspirants to this difficult work must watch themselves with infinite care, and keep the inner serenity and peace and a mental pliability that will tend to make them of some use in the guarding and guiding of humanity."

The key sentence here is, "Aspirants to this difficult work must watch themselves with infinite care."

It is natural for us to watch others and easy to see what they need to do to make corrections, but how many of us diligently watch ourselves and analyze the correctness of our own thoughts and actions? This is a subject that should never be far from our minds.


Next, we will talk about the "three worlds." Do some research into the Alice A. Bailey writings and tell us what is meant by the term.


-- End Of Lesson Two, Part 24 --


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