2001-7-11 04:20:00
"May I ask a question before we go on? If you attempt soul contact, is it possible that you won't get it because as the soul communicates in cycles, it's possible that it's not communicating with you or is it always in a state of communication?"
The soul is always in a state of deep meditation as long as we are incarnated, but there are cycles where the soul is closer to us and we are closer
to the soul.
You have to get to the point of tension, but the first few times you try soul contact, you probably won't succeed. But the person doesn't even get the
desire for soul contact until he receives the desire filtered down from the soul first. You won't even get the idea until you feel some of the soul's
energy. Many people feel that they have already had the ultimate contact with God, but when the soul goes into meditation deep and communicates with
his reflection -- BONG! All of a sudden one day he feels something he never felt before and he knows what his religious friends are not feeling. And
they say, "Ah, this is something beyond what I've ever felt." And you start paying attention to it and say "I'm going to tune into this thing and see
what it wants me to do."
"So the soul has to make the first step in communication? We can't just will the soul to communicate with us?"
No, you can only cooperate with the soul. The soul makes the first step but when it sees you're ready it makes that step. Most people who have a high degree of evolution have had some soul contact on and off in a number of lifetimes. When you're ready the soul will be available for communion.
"Once you establish that initial contact, is that communication always open? Does the soul keep its door open at all times?"
Yes and no, like I said, it's cyclic, especially at first. The communication will get stronger and stronger and you'll have then you'll have periods where you'll feel like Jesus saying, "my God, my God why have you forsaken me?" You'll feel like that in the cycle where the soul cannot make the contact -- like you're lost and will never have that experience again. Then when the cycle is over you have an even greater experience again.
"But you're responsible for your inability to communicate with you soul? It's not the soul's fault."
If the soul is sending you energy, you have the free will to ignore it or maybe be afraid of it or whatever. But you can only ignore it for so long. You have a chance to even deny the soul energy. And if you deny the existence the soul energy (which takes a number of lifetimes to deny it completely) then you commit what Jesus called in the Bible, the unpardonable sin. The sin against the Holy Ghost is really a sin against the soul where the soul contact is denied after having received it. This happens when you feel it but say you didn't feel it. This creates a barrier between you and your soul and your soul withdraws itself from contact and stays in its center and leaves you in an illusionary center with no soul contact.
Then the personality disintegrates. He [the Soul or Higher Self] gives up on his creation and lets it die. Then he creates a new creation millions of years down the road but, if he denies soul contact, when it comes, it throws a person's progress behind for ages. So soul contact is dangerous but very exciting in the fact that if we deny what we have received, or if we don't go along it, and want to keep life the way it was we may be in danger of great retrogression. Fortunately, the great majority eventually accepts soul contact and become one with the Solar Angel. It takes persistent denial and selfishness to cut oneself off from the soul.
Soul contact always brings change and some people are afraid of change. So when soul contact comes, we must accept it and then we will grow farther and
farther until you and your soul align. But if we deny it, we're entering into some dangerous territory. The soul tries several lifetimes before it gives up
on the person who denies it. It takes a really strong denial before the soul will withdraw itself. For instance, Hitler is a possibility of someone who denied
the soul and maybe his soul hasn't given up on him yet, I don't know. But once you've gone deeply into the world of matter and denied the soul it is difficult
to return. Materialism is dangerous ground but with any chance of extreme joy or fullness there's always a risk.
Even in our progression there's risk. This is why the soul is very careful in making contact. It waits until you're ready. If you are not ready and you try to
contact it, it will not allow you to contact it. Not until you're ready to follow whatever it says, until you make an eternal commitment and feel resolve that
whatever my higher self tells me to do, I'll do. Then if it really believes you, it will contact you in a more direct way than in the past.
Then there is still a risk involved because you may not follow what you receive. Then if we decide, well I don't really like the direction its leading me, it's
a little bit rough on me, or if we don't trust it and we wish that we hadn't gotten it, then we have a chance of slipping back. Normally what happens is a
person screws up for several lifetimes when he does that. He throws himself into experiences that cause him pain and he decides well, I guess I better follow
the higher self and it leads him out of the pain. The pain that comes upon the person, usually leads him back into the soul contact. There is only a handful,
a small percentage that denies the soul contact completely and embraces the extreme pain brought on by total selfishness. The Tibetan calls this the second
death because it is a spiritual death where the soul energy is severed.
But as long as a person has any desire in his heart to do what is good, or to serve his fellow men and women, or to assist in any way that is unselfish, he is
not severed from the soul. When a person is denied the soul completely, he will be only centered on the selfish self. He may appear benevolent but his motive
will be completely centered around himself, not for group purpose in any degree at all.
The soul always guides us into group purpose. The soul rarely gives us communication for individual things, things of individual satisfaction or progress.
It's always, as the Tibetan says, around group fusion. In other words, what the soul wants us to do when it makes contact, is it wants us to go home, so he
wants us to join up with other souls.
We receive many other communications for our personal benefit. But these types of communications come from other beings or a reflection of the Solar Angel and
not necessarily directly from our soul. Some communications come from astral entities. For instance, say your mother died and she's concerned about what you're
doing here. She may send you some type of message. We're in communication, many of us psychically, with those who have passed on into the spirit world. But
that's not always soul contact when they communicate with us, anymore than it's soul contact when I just tell Artie something to help her. It may be psychic or
involve some psychic ability but its not direct soul contact.
I might add that most psychic abilities make use of soul energy, but do not involve direct contact with the Solar Angel.
Also a lot of otherworldly communication comes from our subconscious. Our subconscious is a tremendous computer that is a very good guide for us. But the soul
energy is higher than either one of these and there's only two ways we feel it. Number one: direct contact with the soul. Or two: through a Master. Remember
I said the soul is the master on its plane? A Master is someone who has permanent contact with His monad trough the window of the soul. When He contacts you
He does it through the medium of your soul. In other words, He talks to your soul and the message goes down to you. When you feel a communication from a
Master, which is very rare among humans, it will involve a communication from your soul at the same time because He uses your soul to talk to you. So you
know it's true because when you feel the soul contact, you don't have any doubts about it. You know beyond any doubt that it's the truth; that it's the guidance
you're supposed to be following. The only difference between direct contact with soul and a Master contacting you through your soul is that you feel the
presence of a being there outside of yourself. With direct soul contact the energy is more directly within.
In the Bible, higher contact through the soul is called The Baptism of Fire. Remember John said, "I come to you with baptism in water, but there cometh one
after me who is much greater, whose shoelaces I am not even worthy to tie, he says He will baptize with the Baptism of Fire." The Christ was the representative
of the soul energy of the Earth. He is the head of the soul energy of the entire planet. He is the first of humanity (that we know about) to become one with
His Monad, or Father through the soul. He taught the people on how to achieve this soul contact.
There is a literal fire that will permeate your entire being from your head to your toes and it will make you feel like you're actually on fire. That's why
the prophets called it the Baptism of Fire. The Baptism of Fire is the ultimate confirmation and you'll know beyond any doubt that this direction that the
energy is leading you is the correct.
Djwahl Khul (DK) gives two important rules for soul contact:
Is purity of motive easier said than done?:
DK says that "vibrating in many directions" distracts us from soul contact. What do you suppose he means by this and how can we avoid this error?
Hint: Think the tortoise and the hare.
-- End Of Lesson Two, Part 3 --
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