Music and Soul

2001-7-9 16:00:00

White Magic -- Lesson Two, Part 9

I think as we share knowledge in the musical area here we can come to agreement and yet still see how the Law of Correspondences plays out.

I agree with your point Larry, that when you play the notes in different keys that the progression sounds correct as you play the appropriate white and black keys (for sharps and flats) on the piano.

I pointed out that if you play the notes with no sharps or flats (which is actually the key of C) then the seven primary sounds that stand out are the seven white keys.

On the other hand, if we play the notes in another key we will still have seven primary notes (whether natural, sharps or flats) that stand out as we progress up the scale. Sometimes we progress a half step forward (one note out of the twelve) and other times a whole step (two notes forward out of the twelve). But each step in progression whether half or whole sounds like a natural progression. The whole steps do not sound like you are moving twice as far up the scale as a half step as one plays the seven notes of a key.

The same happens with color. You go whole steps in moving from green to blue, but a half step in moving from indigo to violet.

So even though there are twelve notes in an octave only seven within those twelve are harmonious when played in any key. Only seven are used in the creative effort, or the music will be "off key."

What does this mean?

It means that we maintain an exact correspondence of the seven rays as they play out in sound as well as light and other areas and this was my prime point I was attempting to make. It seems to me that all the material that Larry and Rick posted support this.

Jean asked a good question a while back:

"Can hypnotism be a part of this, one person talking to another's solar angel? Which would explain how someone for 20 years can all of a sudden quit smoking?"


You do not generally contact the Solar Angel through hypnosis. The power of hypnotism comes largely through the hypnotist taking charge of the software in your physical brain which is fueled by soul energy, but not the Solar Angel itself.

The trouble with attempting to overcome a habit with hypnosis is that you do not generally consciously face the problem that causes the habit. Because of this, when one habit is suppressed through hypnosis, another will usually surface and the new one may be worse than the one you eliminated.

The solution is to always approach problems with full consciousness. If you make a tape and put suggestions on it, (such as suggestions to quit smoking) then you can listen to them and consider the words in full waking consciousness while the repetition will also affect your subconscious. Using the triplicity of the conscious, the subconscious and the will is the way to make permanent and safe change in yourself.


"Can this be related to those who go into a sleep trance, such as Edgar Cayce, that in actuality was it there connection to there solar angel, or the solar angel talking thru them....?"


Concerning soul contact we have four categories:

First there is higher and lower soul energy. The lower soul energy gives form to all matter and holds the form together. The higher soul energy is that which interplays with Spirit and is the door to the higher worlds.

Secondly there is the Solar Angel and his lower reflection. The lower reflection is sometimes called our guardian angel and contact with it is adjusted to our consciousness and place upon the path.

The Solar Angel is not generally contacted through hypnosis or the trance state, but there are exceptions to all things. If there is an important message that needs delivered and is not being picked up by other means the reflection of the Solar Angel may speak through the trance state, but it will not be an ongoing thing because the high energy of the soul used in this matter is hard on the physical body.

As I have said before almost all entities using the trance state are from the astral world and most of them do not know any more than we do. Many of them just make up a good story to get a following here on earth. The only person we should seek to channel is our higher selves and this is best done in full consciousness. When it comes time to contact the Masters, they will generally be the ones doing the contacting.

Our job is to prepare and make ourselves useful a vessel and listen regularly with the inner ear.


-- End Of Lesson Two, Part 9 --


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