2001-7-9 04:48:00
My Friends,
Just a comment on your questions.
Sometimes several questions are asked and I may pick one that requires all my time for the night to answer. Then others come in and I may overlook the previous
ones or not have time to answer them all.
Then there are other times that another class member will give an excellent answer and relieves me of the necessity to do so.
The point I wish to make is that there will be occasions when good questions just fall through the cracks and are overlooked. If you feel this is the case with
a question you ask then just bring it up again.
Now sometimes a question may be asked that would take some time to cover and may lead us off subject. When this occurs I may only give a partial answer or delay
answering until the subject is covered.
Peter, who always asks good questions, just asked questions related to what happens to us after death. We could spend months on this subject so I will give an
abbreviated answer. I'm sure we will cover it in more detail in the future.
Peter asks:
"How would you describe what happens to us humans upon physical death?"
The answer is a lot of things. Here is something I wrote a while back.
"After you die your consciousness can only rise in vibration, or light, to the light of consciousness you have achieved on the earth. In between lives your essence goes in a circle from the earth to the astral zone and back up to the celestial spheres and then back to the earth again. When this essence rises above that which is your level of consciousness then you go to sleep and dream of heaven or hell. Most harmful or evil people quickly pass their level of consciousness and sleep to their higher nature where they are out of harm's way until they are born again.
"Thus the entity we know as Hitler will not enter heaven as Hitler, for we are the same person after death as we were before and when the time comes for us to move up the circle we sleep in relation to the higher if we are not ready.
"The higher parts of ourselves (The Solar Angel and Monad) are indeed always in heaven, but that consciousness which includes the whole self cannot go there until the proper lessons are learned and karma is worked out."
"What part of us lives and what dies within our soul energy/make-up?"
As we move up in vibration after death we shed first our physical body, then our etheric, next the astral and finally the lower mental. Then from the higher mental plane we (in cooperation with our Solar Angel) create our next life situation. Disciples cooperate consciously and average people unconsciously.
"What role, if any, does our Solar Angel have with our experience of death and our afterlife?"
Shortly after death there is a merging with the Solar Angel, (for a short intense time) even for average people. This gives us our life review and a glimpse of what we must take with us to our future lives. The Solar Angel does play a role in creating our heaven, or devachan as Djwahl Khul calls it, but do not have time to cover this now.
"Do we become one with our Solar Angel upon death, or are we still unaware of our sameness and sit in limbo until we decide to reincarnate and experience life all over again?"
As I said there is a short merging with the Solar Angel, but the whole memory of the experience is not retained by the average person. He will only take certain impressions, as it were, from God. Many people do not discover much more truth in the next world than they discovered here and do not understand their Higher Self in the astral realms or devachan.
"Is our own reincarnation a decision we make for ourselves, or is it a decision the Solar Angel made for itself even though it is our own reincarnation?"
We have little to do with deciding our reincarnated situation until we approach discipleship and free ourselves of most of our negative karma. When this time
comes we can then cooperate in planning our future lives.
Good comments on the musical notes, my friends and good to see Larry posting again. I know he's been busy with his work.
Larry writes:
"Actually there are 12 unique notes on a piano in any octave:
"1. C
"2. C# / D flat
"3. D
"4. D# / E flat
"5. E
"6. F
"7. F# / G flat
"8. G
"9. G# / A flat
"10. A
"11. A# / B flat
"12. B
"Then we start again in the next octave. This is of course the Western musical scale. There are others such as those used in India that have more notes (and some have less)."
Technically there are millions of differing sounds as well as colors on the various scales.
Now when we look at a rainbow or through a prism the main differentiations in color becomes obvious. We do not see millions of colors or even twelve, but seven.
Some claim we only see six, for indigo isn't as visible as the rest, but it is there.
Whether there are seven or twelve primary notes is subject to interpretation, but if you play the scale of twelve notes and listen to the flats or sharps
contrasted to the seven primary notes in my view there is a difference. The seven notes have a more stand alone sound whereas the sharps and flats have a more blending sound.
If I am right (and I must admit I do not have the best musical ear) then these numbers have an interesting correspondence not only to molecular numbers, but to
the creative Rays as they manifest now and the far future.
When all creation is perfected we will have twelve creative rays, or twelve colors in the rainbow and twelve notes in the musical scale, but presently we have
only seven. The fact that five more notes have recognition is a perception of the human psyche of the perfection to come.
-- End Of Lesson Two, Part 7 --
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