2001-7-5 04:47:00
"What are the higher and lower Triads?"
Within the human being the Higher Triad is the following centers:
"What is meant by the head since there are two main centers there which are the ajna (third eye) and the top of the head?"
They are both synthesized as one center as a point in the Higher triad.
The Lower Triad in relation to the human is these centers:
Question [from Lesson One, Part Nine]:
"What is the Solar Angel? Why are we called his reflection?"
As Anni stated we received some great answers here. For having to fight cancer and radiation treatments it really sounds like Glenys' brain is in great shape.
As soon as the rest of her body catches up she will be superwoman.
And Keith you have me curious. Some of your answers contain concepts I have not seen in print anywhere. Are you reading some exotic material or using
your intuition? An example is your thought of the light at the end of the tunnel at
death is your Solar Angel.
Bear with us as we cover some important definitions here, but if you absorb them it will make your study of all esoteric literature much easier to
The Solar Angel, often called our Higher Self, is an actual entity which is a master on its own plane. When disciples refer to their soul they are often
referring to this Being.
The Solar Angel, however, is different from the soul energy itself. Soul energy is the result of the interplay of spirit and matter. The Solar Angel uses
this energy when its reflection is in incarnation, but it is not the soul energy itself. Therefore, when those who know use the word soul, one must examine
the context to understand what specifically is referred to. Often the term is used loosely, even by Djwahl Khul, as referring to higher contact.
Your Solar Angel was once a standard human being such as yourself, but that was a long time ago in a star system far away, billions of years in the past.
He/She achieved relative perfection and through the Molecular Relationship achieved a oneness of
life with all other perfected souls within their planetary and solar groups.
Because they have achieved a oneness of life with other lives which comprise the higher planes of the solar system they are called Solar Angels. An angel is
a messenger and a Solar Angel is a messenger, or representative of the Higher Life that makes up our entire solar system, even though they are grouped on a
planetary basis.
The Solar Angels are thus "exalted beings" who seek an eternal increase through reflecting, or multiplying themselves, just as the One God did in the beginning
(or beginning/end as it could be called).
The Solar Angel selected a point of intelligence, or light and truth reflected from the mind of God, containing all the potential of the mind of God, but not
having the consciousness thereof -- a monad. Having made this selection He then poured his essence into it which corresponds to the mother pouring her life
force into the baby within her womb. The parents are consciously aware of the child and approximately what it will become, but the child in the womb has only
a very elementary awareness.
Whereas earthly parents often have unrealistic expectations that the child will be just like them, the Solar Angel does realize that through a series of
hundreds of lifetimes the reflection will attain all the attributes of the reflector, yet keep its individual will and purpose.
The individual monad thus develops over a series of many lifetimes through its Lower Triad whereas the Solar Angel pours its life through meditation on its
plane into the Higher Triad.
As the Lower and Higher Triad merge, the meaning and significance of the Star of David (interlocking triangles) becomes clear. The higher triangle (triad)
descends and the lower triangle ascends, and as they merge the two create one life or form (a six pointed star, rather than a mere triangle) which is a
greater form or life than they are on their own.
Eventually then, the consciousness of the lower self merges with the Higher Self, and
the two become as one life. They then become as a single cell which divides into two cells which are exactly the same, from our point of view, yet are still
one because they are both members of the same body. Now the only difference between the two is experience and consciousness, but as far as access goes they
are equal.
Continue reading and reflecting on the chapter covering Rule One. Formulate any questions or enlightenment that comes
to mind and share them with the group.
In the meantime contemplate this statement from the chapter:
"With these assumptions clearly understood, my words are for those who are seeking to measure up to the need for trained servers. I say not, you note, those who measure up. Intention and effort are considered by us of prime importance, and are the two main requisites for all disciples, initiates and masters, plus the power of persistence." (TOWM, Pg 54)
Contemplate these words and tell us your thoughts.
-- End of Lesson Two, Part 1 --
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