2001-6-29 15:29:00
Thanks for your support Judes. I know that many here have sought and received confirmation of many of the teachings through their own souls. Others have received confirmation of their own beliefs through them. And for this I am grateful.
Sweet post Ghia and welcome to the list. I also want to mention a welcome to Thomas who has found his way home.
You made an interesting statement concerning the search for understanding of the heart:
"I have sort of stopped looking, being content with having that truth in my own heart."
I can identify with that. I longed for such an experience for so many years that I pretty much gave up thinking that the experience was not for me in this life. But then one day it came totally unexpectedly.
And even here I believe the experience occurred not for my benefit, but to help insure that my wife would support me in the strange directions we would take in the future which are in alignment with Higher Purpose.
We are in good company in our quest for oneness for the Apostle Paul spoke of a yearning to know and be known when he said:
"Now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." I Cor 13:12
When the time comes either in this world, or the next, that the pure in heart are gathered then all will know each other, as the heart of Christ knows them, and joy will be common place among the sons and daughters of mankind.
Copyright 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved