2001-6-26 13:21:00
What do you suppose the third category [of knowledge] is?
Good, you're really intuitive! This is the third type of knowledge. Intuitive knowledge is that which is equally as true as discriminative knowledge but it's
knowledge that you have gained through contact with your own soul for your soul has confirmed the knowledge to you. You thus you know it's true and you also
understand it. Now this is different than somebody just getting a gut feeling and saying, "I'll use my psychic powers and contact somebody from Andromeda."
Maybe the guy's just making it up in self-conceit.
Intuitive knowledge, for one thing, doesn't deal so much with facts but it always deals with principles. Within a principle is found the facts and it takes a
thousand facts to make one principle, but one principle can lead to a thousand facts. We're going to discuss facts and principles as we go on here.
But intuition deals with principles and when you deal with intuitive knowledge, it always leads toward evolution. Your intuition doesn't give you much in
facts like, "XYZ is going to happen exactly three months from now or who's going to win the lottery?" While it doesn't reveal things like this, it may reveal
the principle of what's behind it. So you can figure truth out yourself, to the highest possibility.
"What's the difference between laws and principles?"
There's not a lot of difference but a law is based upon a principle. We'll just go into this briefly and cover what a fact and a principle are.
A fact is a piece of knowledge, which is true. Let's take an example, the fact that there is reincarnation. We can just spout that off; there is life after
life but what is the principle behind reincarnation? Once you understand the principle you can deduce a thousand facts from it. For instance, it is an
experience. We have come through numerous lifetimes for the purpose of having all kinds of different experiences. We have to withdraw from one experience
because it becomes stagnant, then our soul places us in a new body, a new land, with new brothers and sisters so we can have a totally new experience.
When we understand the principle of that experience then the fact of reincarnation becomes much more real. So a principle is an underlying cause. It's like
the root of a tree and the fact is like a leaf on a tree. It takes millions of leaves to make the appearance of one tree. It takes one principle to make
thousands or millions of leaves or facts. When you discover a principle it will lead you into great areas of knowledge, and you will be able to come up with
all kinds of facts, on your own, that you never read in a book and you will amaze people when you begin to understand certain principles.
He who is able to understand principles will be able to speak eternal words, or "words that do not pass away" as Jesus said. Facts pass away, but
principles do not. The Master of Masters taught with principles and that is why His words have not passed away, but will endure forever.
The treatise talks about laws later and we shall discuss more about them in the future, but we could define a universal law as: "The description of a
principle at work."
If you describe the law of cause and effect you are describing a principle at work.
There are three stages in which knowledge is disseminated.
The first stage is where the principle or knowledge is just grasped by one or maybe a handful of people on the planet and when they begin to teach it, they're
looked on as crackpots. Like Columbus when he taught the world was round and he was going to sail across the ocean. They thought he was a real crackpot.
He had to work his whole lifetime to find support for that little voyage because everybody thought he was unrealistic. When Edison got the idea for the
light bulb, everyone thought he was crazy.
So this is the first stage in the dissemination of knowledge new knowledge to the earth. Everybody who is disseminating new knowledge will by thought of as
nuts because new knowledge is always different than the present assumptions.
The second stage is when the knowledge begins to permeate mass consciousness and is accepted by quite a few people. Through a lot of trial and error, people
are finally beginning to see that the world is round or that maybe light bulbs can be made. Then many people see the possibility and the orthodox scientists
may begin to theorize that this may be true. Now this is kind of the situation we talk about with the spirit and the soul, or possibly the aura. There's a
lot of argument among scientists on whether or not there is an aura, whether or not there is a soul in man or maybe some higher energy. So it's being talked
about. You're not really thought of as being a crackpot now for talking about the aura today, for instance, as you would have been a hundred years ago.
"So is the third stage where everyone accepts the knowledge?"
Right. Now the third stage of knowledge is where mankind as a whole sees the truth and then mankind formulates it into as a law and it's taught in the textbooks at the schools as a law. Gravity is now a law, however when Newton was a kid, it was not. Now it's taught in the textbooks as the law of gravity. A few hundred years ago there was no such thing for gravity was some unseen mystery.
"Was it because people just never thought about it? Whether you drop something, will it go up or down?"
Actually, yes, they just never thought about it. They didn't have a clue that gravity held the moon and earth in their orbits. They had all kinds of strange explanations as to why the planets and the moon moved through the sky.
"Did you ever think about it when you were a kid? If you hadn't had gravity explained to you, you never would've thought of it?"
Gravity is female energy and as people began to discover gravity, females also began to discover their own powers. There is a very close link to the
energy of gravity and female energy. The power that they both have is invisible but at the same time very powerful and essential to existence. As gravity
is better understood, so will female energy be better understood, but that's another subject.
Going to the soul now, the next great truth will be revealed about the soul he [Djwhal Khul or DK] says: "There are two groups that now believe in the soul of
man." One, DK says, and I'm quoting here, "is the gullible, undeveloped, childlike person who, brought up on a scripture of the world, and being religiously inclined,
accepts the postulates of religion such as the soul, God and immortality without questioning."
Secondly, DK says "The other is that small but steadily growing band of Knowers of God, and of reality, who know the soul to be a fact in their own
experience but are unable to prove its existence satisfactorily to the man who admits only that which the concrete mind can grasp, analyse, criticise
and test."
The average people who are in between these two categories do not give it much consideration. DK also points out that there's a funny thing to
evolution. DK says that those at the end they're like the beginning. So the child-like people who believe in a simple God up there somewhere are very
in touch and on a wavelength, similar to what the true knowers are on. They're both correct except the knowers know about it by experience. Those in
the first category I talked about just believe it because it's authoritative knowledge. It was taught to them in Sunday School, so they do not question.
The next word we will define is the "monad." Your assignment will be to find out what this is and define it or write a few words about it. A good start
will be to do a search at:
Also the Theosophical Glossary may be helpful at:
-- End Of Lesson One, Part 7 --
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