White Magic -- Lesson One, Part 6

2001-5-23 13:00:00


What does occult mean?


"An esoteric teaching or hidden."


Right, hidden. That's the most accurate word for it. Occult means that which is hidden and often has reference to esoteric teachings. Does it mean you're a devil worshiper if you're an occultist? That's what they say on TV. No, it doesn't. It merely means that which is hidden and that which is hidden could be either be the teachings of Christ or some real evil character.

So it could be either one but the point is that occult is not a negative word, it merely means something that is not normally revealed to the general population. It doesn't have anything to do with witchcraft.


"And actually you can go around grabbing occult truths day in and day out and it doesn't mean that its hidden from all people. It just means you can't see it as much as you can inwardly sense it, right?"


Right, many occult truths are truths that some just can't understand even if you explain it to them.

Okay, next we must understand what the Tibetan [Djwhal Khul] talks about when he talks about laws. He explains here that a law presupposes that there is a superior intelligence in the universe. He's not talking about a law like going 65 miles per hour. He's not referring to this sort of thing but when he talks about laws he's talking about a law which governs us in a way that we cannot understand because the power of the law seems to originate in an intelligence way beyond our perception. He says that law is but that spiritual impulse and sentient manifestation in that entity in which we live and move and have our being.

Take one of the cells in your body, for example. If you go jogging and breathe harder, your body produces impulses to take in more oxygen which that cell registers, so it may look up and say, "Why am I having this disturbance." It's from impulses coming down from the body. We are cells in the body of the One Life and the consistent impulses that come down from the energy of that One Life are laws.

He points out that man feels victimized by all these laws until he understands them. Now, when he begins to understand the laws, he's no more a victim, but he works in harmony with the laws until they give him more freedom. Until he understands what the law is, he feels like he's a victim.


"I'll tell you how that goes. Okay, you have this grill and you're going to barbecue outside. Somebody tells you that you should put grease on your grill before you put your meat on it. You say, "Why should I bother to do that? It's a waste of time and money." You just throw the steak on there and then you have to pry the steak off there because it's burnt to the grill. But when you know that you have to put grease on it then it just comes off easily."


"Thanks! I'll remember that."


"You're welcome."


I guess we could call that the law of greasing the pan.

Sentient is the next word, does anyone know what this means?


"Innate consciousness?"


Wayne, you've read a little bit of the Tibetan. Do you know what this word means?


"Sentient means knowing or thinking."


Close, the word closest is feeling.


"Do rocks have sentient consciousness?"


Sentient [or sentience] means feeling. It is the purpose of the vegetable kingdom to develop feeling, but the mineral kingdom does have a living response of a lower order. An animal is a sentient being. Normally, we don't think of a rock as being a sentient being however in esoteric writings they have life, but in normal, everyday conversation, a rock is not sentient but an animal or human being is. So when he's talking about sentience he's talking conscious, feeling, beings that are capable of responding.

Psychism. He uses the word psychic a little bit differently then we normally think. He talks about psychic in two terms. One is in relation to the animal soul that ensouls the lower four kingdoms and gives it response and different feelings. And, secondly, he speaks the psychic force which is the union between spirit and matter. The animal soul imprisons and the higher soul frees. So the psychic power is really the impulses or energy of the soul in higher and lower octaves. It has a number of aspects that we'll be going into.


"Does the soul have a form that radiates this energy?"


No, the soul is formless; the soul is merely interplay of energy, as I was explaining to Marylin over here. A good example would be, when you're driving your car down the road going 50 miles per hour, and stick your head out the window and you feel wind. When you stop the car there is no more wind. The wind corresponds to soul. When spirit and matter interplay, that interplay, that friction, is soul. Just like the friction of the air on the head.

When the interplay stops, then the soul ceases to exist. So when we go back home we won't have a soul anymore.


"So the friction on your head is the psychic energy or soul?"


Soul energy is what he [Djwhal Khul or DK] calls psychic energy. Soul energy, the interplay between spirit and matter is what produces your psyche, the psychic energy. Then there are other times he uses the word psychic in the orthodox sense.

The next word is the word "unfoldment." By "unfoldment," DK basically means that all of us are beings with a lot of energy within us and this energy slowly unfolds piece by piece. As He points out in his later writings, we have the seven chakras. The seven chakras actually have petals, which are energy petals, and they unfold like a flower. So, spiritual evolution is really the process of unfoldment.

The unfolding of the energy of the third aspect tends to the revelation of the soul or second aspect which in turn reveals the highest aspect of power.

The next word is "knowledge." DK points out there are three types of knowledge.

First there is theoretical or authoritative knowledge. This is knowledge like we all learned when we went to school. They tell us that two plus two equals four or whatever. We learn that Columbus discovered America in 1492 but how do we know? Because somebody told us. They tell us it is 93 million miles to the sun. How do you know that? You just know it because somebody told you that, right? Have you ever tested it? Have you ever driven to the sun? Have you checked your odometer to see if it's 93 million miles? You've never done that, have you?

So this is what DK calls theoretical or authoritative knowledge, knowledge that you have not tested, you just assume it's true because everybody else believes it. You don't know if it's true or not but many of the foundations of your knowledge is based on things you really haven't proven.

The second is discriminative knowledge. This is knowledge that you discover through your own application. This is knowledge you discover because you have studied trigonometry and geometry and you can test the angle of the sun and the earth and you can figure out that it is 93 million miles. Through testing you discover for yourself. You take two apples and you add two apples and you see four apples, and reach the conclusion that, by George, two plus two is really four, you can't see any other way. You discern it yourself. This is the second type of knowledge.


There is one more category of knowledge. What do you suppose it is and how is it acquired?


"The life within the form manifests as a result of meditation."
  -- Djwahl Khul


-- End Of Lesson One, Part 6 --


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