2001-6-19 10:36:00
Djwahl Khul [DK] gives a quote from the "Bhagavad Gita" about the soul. We must keep in mind that most of the book on "White Magic" is about how to contact the soul and bring about the manifestations, the desires of the soul into reality. He quotes:
"Though I am unborn, the soul passes not away. Though I am Lord of Beings, yet as Lord over my nature, I become manifest through the magical power of the soul."
We, as individuals, have actually become manifest through the magical power of the soul. Soul is the interplay of spirit and matter. All of us here are the result of
interplay between spirit and matter.
He says there are three types of people who will be attracted to his writings.
First of all are the open-minded investigators, people that are just curious. Some of these will be atheists, some will be non-believers as far as normal religions, and
some will be people who are frustrated with the normal channels of truth. Then he says some people will examine these writings out of curiosity.
The second group, he says, will be the aspirants and disciples. Some of the people in this room are in that category. These are people who will be able to read his writings
and know through intuition that there is much truth there and get a lot of value out of it.
The third group, he says, will be initiates. An initiate is someone who is a master over a certain category in his life. An initiate is somebody with the power to initiate
things. These people, he says, will be able to read the writings of the Tibetan [Djwhal Khul] and know within themselves immediately as they're reading that the principles
are true because they have applied them in their life or they have received many of the principles already within their own psyche.
So these three groups will be attracted to the writings. Average people, on the whole, will not. These people will read one page and say "whoa, this is not for me." I've
received comments such as, "I read a page and the guy uses way too many words and repeats himself and doesn't seem to know what he's talking about so I just gave up." Another
will admit, "He's just way beyond me so I haven't read him."
From the viewpoint of the person who doesn't understand him, it may sound like he's being wordy but when you begin to understand him you will find he's the most concise
writer you've ever read. Every sentence has a package of truth in it. It's a little bit like the scriptures. Just about every scripture has a little morsel of truth in it.
Whereas if you read a regular book off the shelf or from the bookstore, you may have to read a hundred pages before you get any enlightenment at all or learn anything new.
This book in particular, "Treatise on White Magic," is based upon four fundamental postulates that must be accepted by all of us here before we can find it useful. The first
postulate is that there is One life that permeates the entire universe. All of us are a part of this one life, and the most common name for this one life is God. But God,
according to this definition would indicate that His physical body is actually the universe. His life is omnipresent in the universe and all of us have that life flowing through
us. It's a little bit like comparing it to our bodies. My physical body is right here and every one of my cells has part of my life energy in it. I am omnipresent in my body.
I'm present in my finger, in my head, I can scratch it, I can feel my presence. I am omnipresent throughout my body and each one of the little cells in my body is an independent
life form. It has an independent consciousness that must conform to me. As I think, it influences the little cells in my body. They can pick up my thoughts and it can stimulate
them. The same way with God, His life occupies the whole universe; He's omnipresent in it, omnipresent in us as the cells of His body. As He thinks, He will stimulate us into
activity. So it is our mission, our job to pick up the thoughts of God, the thoughts of the One Life that permeates the universe. So this thought is important for us to keep in
mind if we are to get the full value out of the "Treatise on White Magic."
The second postulate that we must accept, and he points out that we really don't have to accept anything. He says, "I don't want to speak as an authority." But these are
things we must take into consideration if we're to get our value out of this book. If we didn't take these into consideration, the value would be diminished greatly. The
second thing is there exists an energy called Soul behind man and all other forms. Soul is an energy which is a union, or an interplay, between spirit and matter which produces
a third factor which is called consciousness. Consciousness is caused by the interplay of spirit and matter and its produced by Soul. Consciousness causes us to know ourselves
as a separate existence. In other words, without consciousness, we can't even know that we're separate. Consciousness had to be produced because if there's only one life, how
are the different parts going to know themselves as separate existences? To solve this problem the One Life caused an interplay between spirit and matter so that we can have
the reality that we're experiencing of being separate, so we can interplay with each other and have this world of experience. In summary, the second postulate is that there
exists in man and behind all form, an energy which is called Soul.
The great metaphysical paradox is that there is one life in the universe yet in this reality is definitely seems that we are separate lives. Is it a good or bad thing that we develop as separate existences? How is it that we are separate, yet still one?
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Copyright 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved