2001-6-9 19:16:00
Deborah writes:
When Janine first posted her feelings on the question series she was told she was projecting, it was her own problem, her responsibility for how she took the meaning of our responses.
I did not write that response, but if I remember correctly it was written as a possibility and not a judgment. Nevertheless, it is a true principle that our criticisms are often (but not always) a projection of a problem we have within us.
How do we tell when this is the case?
The main sign of this is an over-reaction of some kind. It could be an over-reaction to a statement that was made with no intent to offend, an over-reaction also to an truly offending statement (where the person takes it much more seriously than the average person) or just seeing something between the lines which is not there.
It is not a sign of projection to display the normal amount of repugnance at an insult or false statement made toward you or your friends, especially when the offender has made himself clear in his meaning.
If someone attacks you without visible cause with the phrase: "You're stupid!" and you run home in tears and are highly disturbed over this for days and you dream of getting the guy back, then this would be a sign of some projection or hidden issue. The receiver probably has a problem with his own intelligence.
But, if the person merely does not appreciate this kind of judgmental name calling and replies to the person that he should be more aware of his language then there is no sign of projection. Instead it is the reverse. His calm spiritedness is a sign that he is secure in his intelligence.
Even so, with rare exceptions, I think my supporters who have been insulted have handled them in a reasonable manner and shown no sign of psychosis.
Here is a link which he made a post saying we don't have to use sarcasm:
Mind Stuff 2
Now this might have been an attempt at humor, well I didn't find it funny. I even agreed with the principle JJ was trying to get across.
This was my story about using the mind to make the universe disappear and reappear and was directed toward WIT. He did not seem offended by it.
This was a repeat of a parable I wrote about a year ago so it obviously was not directed toward anyone in the present, but to teach a principle. I have a hard time seeing how someone can take offense at the mere teaching of a principle where no personal attack or judgment was made. In my opinion an offense here is an over-reaction.
So now that some keys members feel insulted by Janine can we accept they are responsible for their feeling of insult? Is it their own problem? Is this fair? Did Janine hit a nerve? Do we practice what we preach? I wonder.
This statement is the main reason I took the time to respond to this post. The cry of hypocrisy is thrown out completely without cause on this forum and others from time to time and when it is the issue at hand it should be clarified.
Hypocrisy was the only sin that Jesus openly condemned and I do agree with pointing it out when it manifests, but to throw the accusation out without cause is as offensive as hypocrisy itself. This happens from time to time here against my supporters and in not one instance has it been shown to be justified.
Hypocrisy is simply teaching of one thing and then doing another in opposition to it.
For instance, the parent is hypocritical if he tells his kid to not drink, but drinks himself.
As for myself I challenge anyone who has issues with me to find even one hypocritical statement I have made in the thousands of pages I have posted. If you cannot find anything concrete then let us not accuse.
As for those who support my teachings I think they have been very patient (with rare exceptions) with name calling and accusations made at them. To display normal distaste for such behavior, while calling someone on to examine their overreaction for something read between the lines, is not hypocrisy. Comparing apples and oranges does not hypocrisy make. Hypocrisy is preaching apples and then not doing apples.
Now let us shift our attention away from concerning ourselves with personal flaws in myself and other members and focus on the purpose of this list which is to learn all we are able to learn. If we look for personality issues we can always find them. It's time to look beyond the personality to the soul wherein true oneness lies.
All of us have faults and if we let even one of then get in the way of our vision then the oneness of the soul will be hidden from our view. If the personality issue comes at us so strongly that it smacks us in the face then let us acknowledge it, dismiss it and refocus.
Copyright 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved