2001-4-20 00:00:00
Thank you Larry, for referring readers to my post on the purpose of the body. I had forgotten I had written all that material.
Let me however, emphasize an important point starting with a question:
What is one of the primary goals of human existence through BECOMING?
Answer: It is to obtain power and removal of limitations in all worlds of endeavor where our desire takes us.
How many worlds or spheres are there?
In this period of evolution there are seven: three worlds of form (physical, astral, and mental) and four which are called formless.
About 90% of humanity have their consciousness limited to the physical and astral, or emotional, and have a long way to go to function consciously on the higher five.
During life then the average person functions consciously in two worlds (physical and astral) at the same time. This means that after death his functioning power is reduced 50% for he only functions consciously in one world. Therefore, to the average man death is a great limitation for it deprives him of half of his conscious functioning.
Then some time before rebirth his astral body also experiences a death and he sleeps for a period of time without full conscious power.
The above average person functions consciously in three worlds, the physical, astral, and mental. He is able to function after death in two worlds and maintains his conscious power for a longer period of time, but even his bodies are reabsorbed and he sleeps for a period of time before rebirth.
Only when a person attains consciousness in the worlds above the MENTAL can he maintain "continuity of consciousness" and maintain conscious thought throughout life and afterlife and into the next life.
Now some say that it is desirable to drop all connection with the physical body which in turn drops any direct connection with the physical world.
For those who think this way shall we extend this idea and drop the astral body also thus ending emotional feeling?
Then extending this further should we drop the mental body also thus ending our power to think?
I think that when we consider this idea that it becomes obvious that we suffer from limitation at the loss of any of our bodies.
A fullness of power and fullness of joy only comes when we attain power to manifest and have consciousness on any or all of the seven planes at will.
The only way to attain this power is through the overcoming of physical death just as did Jesus through the resurrection of the body.
When death is overcome the body is restored to relative perfection and I assure you Melva you would be happy with it.
Imagine that you reached the fullness of your evolution and were unable to manifest on the physical or astral plane? Wouldn't you feel short-changed? Wouldn't you feel that you were missing out on a fullness of power that you worked so many lifetimes to attain?
It is true that we do have cycles where we leave the lower bodies behind for various purposes. Buddha taught about this in the attainment of Nirvana, which is consciousness in the fifth sphere of the seven, and some distance from the highest in this cycle. But more important than this attainment is the mastery of all the worlds. Only when the lowest (the physical) is fully mastered can the highest spiritual world and consciousness be attained.
The point to remember is that when this high mastery is attained this does not mean we will always be in a physical body. What it does mean is that we will have power to manifest in the physical (or our other bodies) at will until such manifestation serves no purpose and we return to a great cycle of rest called Pralaya in the East.
Does it seem desirable to manifest in any plane of choice according to our will?
Jesus said: "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth." Matt 28:18
Could a master have power on earth without a physical body giving him the power to manifest on earth?
Copyright 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved