2001-2-6 11:36:00
My Friends,
About time I touched bases with you. Your postings have not been numerous but they have been good and have shown some solid thinking.
As an update on my post on the electrical crisis in California I notice that they are having a huge conflict there about whether they should continue to regulate the retail price the utilities charge. It is becoming obvious to even the densest mind that the utilities there can only continue for so long in selling electricity at a rate which is below their own cost. Rationalizing that the utilities are just greedy will only carry so much weight and then finally the truth must be faced.
It is obvious that when you build no new power plants for ten years and the population doubles that you are going to have shortages. Compared to Gray Davis, George Bush looks like a genius here. In the last five years Texas has built 22 new power plants with an additional 15 under construction.
The environmentalists have shot themselves in the foot on this power plant shortage and support of price controls. The result has been that the price of electricity has been artificially low and this has discouraged the development of alternative fuels which will be a big boon to the environment.
Before those who control the money get serious about alternative fuels there has to be a financial attraction and there will be little attraction when utility prices are artificially low.
A problem with many environmentalists (but not all) is that they are anti technology and it is technology which is eventually going to give us a clean fuel source which we shall use for thousands of years to come.
Some are so extreme that they want to limit the population of the earth to a couple million people and return to tribal living and run naked with the bears, but such is not the vision of the new age held in the minds of the Great Ones.
The possibilities of mankind will be revealed in outer form through technology as a forerunner to the full revelation of the inner powers.
We have been exploring avenues where the Beast maintains its grip through getting people to follow the leader without thinking.
As I said earlier ground zero for the Beast is the principle of freedom and any expansion of freedom is always fought by those with the mark of the beast through deception and ridicule.
The principle of freedom expands when man sees the Christ in his fellow man and develops a basic trust in the general goodness of people. As it is the few are always eager to take away freedom from the many because of distrust. The few with influence always fear that the many will not use freedom wisely and therefore they do not deserve it and should not have it.
Examples of this are:
In the name of goodness, protection, mom and apple pie almost every freedom we have is under attack from one source or another.
The Beast maintains its power through the manipulation of emotional energy and to escape its influence we must rise to the plane of the mind and the mind can only be developed in an atmosphere of freedom
When you examine the various countries of the world you will see that the less freedom the people have the more they are influenced and controlled through emotion.
To move to the Age of Aquarius we must free up the mind and the mind is freed up as freedom itself abounds. This is why basic democratic rights had to be established on the earth before the new age could come in.
It is indeed true that there is not complete safety in freedom and we must all ask ourselves this question: Do we want perfect safety or freedom? Which is the most important?
Do we all want to be forced to drive 30 miles an hour down the freeway so we cannot have an accident bad enough to kill ourselves?
If we truly desired safety above experience we would have never been born in the first place because life itself is a great risk. The very fact that we are here in a place of risk illustrates that deep within the souls of us all is a greater desire to be free and to explore and to BECOME than to just be still, stagnate, and safe.
It is becoming clear that giving our power and allegiance to an unjust authority negates the principle of freedom and DECISION.
On the other hand, many take this rejection of authority to an extreme and reject a just or an earned authority.
Name three just authorities and explain how these can enhance the principle of freedom rather than negate it.
Copyright © 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved