Error Leading to Truth

2001-2-1 11:43:00

Great job in leading the class, Larry. I particularly liked this statement from you:

"As I wrote a little over a year ago, there was a time I would have considered many on this list as "New Age nuts and kooks". :)

"I thank God that I have been given to see things differently because so many here have so enriched my view of life. But that is what life is about if it is to be truly lived. Even one who has already lived half a century can sometimes see with new eyes. :)"

Unfortunately it is rare to find even one person who is this open minded as an adult. Most who do see themselves as open will shut down as soon as some truth crosses their path that does not align with their mindset.

I also liked Peter's statement:
"I would think that part of anyone's growth experience would be to learn to separate the chaff from the grain. Certainly, we must do that with the Bible. Any genre has its share of lemons, as well as jewels. If what was once accepted as jewels turn out to be pieces of glass, I guess it is easy and safe to just assume they are all just pieces of glass."

It is indeed true that there is a tremendous amount of illusion circulating among seekers these days - perhaps more than any other time in earth's history.

This is good and bad. It is good in the fact that many who would pay no attention to higher truth are captivated by some fairly far flung philosophy. Sometimes a completely false but interesting teaching may provide a starting point for a quest that leads to true knowledge. For this reason I am hesitant to criticize some philosophies which I believe to be false. Sometimes the infant seeker becomes crushed through the destruction of his thoughtform and gives up the quest for a lifetime.

Fanciful false philosophies are bad in the fact that many people get locked into them in the belief they have found the ultimate and make no further progress in this lifetime.

The Photon Belt idea is an interesting fanciful doctrine which has attracted the attention of many and whether it is true or false I do see one major mistake that is being made concerning it. Believers are waiting to enter this belt and when they do spiritual transformation will take place.

But what will cause the transformation?

It is expected to come from the Photon Belt which is something outside of ourselves.

Where does real transformation take place?

Answer: Inside of ourselves.

Is there any time frame that we must wait upon for transformation such as a date when we enter the Photon Belt?

Answer: No. There is no waiting. As soon as you make the decision to move ahead you begin your journey, Photon Belt or no Photon Belt, extra DNA or no DNA, 5th dimension or no fifth dimension. All creation awaits your decision, and your decision comes when you decide and you decide when you realize that there is nothing outside of yourself to wait upon.

One of the few articles written from an investigative point of view on the Photon Belt may be found at: