2001-1-5 11:31:00
A lot has been said about psychic attacks. Some seem to think that a religious thought, an angry thought or even a disagreeable thought is an attack. Others see an attack as a consciously directed thought. Still others feel there are some occult means available to hurt others.
But let me submit this thought to you. Harming people with mere thought is much more difficult than one might surmise.
Where is my proof?
Just look at the last presidential election in the United States. During the conflict in Florida there were millions of hard core supporters on both sides of the aisle sending about as negative of thoughts and feelings as can be conjured up by humanity. And who were they sent at?
The main targets were Bush and Gore.
And how are Bush and Gore faring now that they have both endured millions of nasty thoughts projected their way?
I have seen them both on television during the past week and they both look fine. Gore may be as little down emotionally because he didn't capture the White House, but outside of this it appears that these millions of "psychic attacks" had little effect.
Now if Bush and Gore are able to withstand millions of negative emotions sent their way you would think that we relative unknowns could deal with anything that comes at us from fellow members on this list, who by and large are very peaceable folk.
Unless one is dealing directly with the Dark Brothers, which is rare, 99.9% of perceived psychic attacks owe their cause to a flaw opened from within oneself and if we live a reasonable stable life, as Bush and Gore seem to, then there is little to worry about in this area.
"There is one million tons of air available for each person on earth."
Copyright 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved