2001-1-2 23:36:00
Below is a post I sent that seemed to have been lost in the "etheric sink hole."
Chris, I do not know why you are so bent on redefining intuition and going back to relative truth which we have very thoroughly discussed. It just serves to distract us from progressing on the topic and moving forward.
There are many words in the dictionary which have a half dozen different uses and when this is the case the teacher must define his terms and make the students aware of the definition he is using and clearly represent how the word is to be used. Then there are other times that there may not be a current word that clearly represents his thought so he uses the best word available and redefines it for his students. When this is the case it merely becomes a distraction for a student to insist on examining the other definitions.
I have clearly defined the class use of the word "intuition." If this does not fit in with how you have used the word in your past this is perfectly understandable. When you teach a class then you can use a definition which fits in with your belief system.
The definition I use does harmonize with Djwahl Khul [through Alice A. Bailey] who uses sources sometimes millions of years old, ancient wisdom indeed.
The definition of Intuition for this class (which is not found in any standard dictionary) is:
"The reception by the mind, as a result of a point of tension reached through contemplation, of a principle which leads to a 'flashing forth' of understanding, which leads to unlimited knowledge."
Note that the intuition leads to comprehension of a principle which leads to knowledge and not knowledge or facts only.
If a person obtains knowledge outside the normal realm of learning this does not mean he has used the intuition. A child does not use intuition as we have defined it here. A child's mind is not equipped to do the type of contemplation needed.
A good example of the use of intuition was described by Susan when she talked about how her husband Ren seeks understanding.
Xavier also gave a good example with geometry, and Glenys mentioned the use of symbols to stimulate intuition.
As far as the relative verses absolute truth I find it interesting that the Buddha very strongly stressed absolute truth as well as Jesus.
Here are some quotes from the words of Buddha:
"Truth is the correct comprehension of things; it is the permanent and everlasting, the real in all existence, the bliss of righteousness."
(Source: "The Gospel Of Buddha: Enlightenment")
"Free your mind of ignorance and be anxious to learn the truth, especially in the one thing that is needful, lest you fall a prey either to skepticism or to errors. Skepticism will make you indifferent and errors will lead you astray, so that you shall not find the noble path that leads to life eternal."
(Source: "The Gospel Of Buddha: Avoiding The Ten Evils")
"Those who imagine they find truth in untruth, and see untruth in truth, will never arrive at truth, but follow vain desires. They who know truth in truth, and untruth in untruth, arrive at truth, and follow true desires."
(Source: "The Dhammapada: The Twin Verses")
"Some form their Dharma arbitrarily and fabricate it artificially; they advance complex speculations and imagine that good results are attainable only by the acceptance of their theories; yet the truth is but one; there are not different truths in the world.
(Source: "The Gospel Of Buddha: The Teacher")
"The truth, however, is not temporary. The truth is not arbitrary nor a matter of opinion, but can be investigated, and he who earnestly searches for the truth will find it. The truth is hidden to the blind, but he who has the mental eye sees the truth. The truth is Buddha's essence, and the truth will remain the ultimate standard. Let us, then, revere the truth; let us inquire into the truth and state it, and let us obey the truth."
(Source: "The Gospel Of Buddha: Three Personalities Of The Buddha")
I particularly like the definition by the Buddha that "Truth is ... the real in all existence."
This is why even a child knows what is true within its ring-pass-not because he knows the real to the extent that he's aware if he is telling a lie or not. It takes adults to extend the idea of truth to the unreal so no clear definition can be had among them.
I am sitting in this chair typing on this computer at this moment in time and space. That is the real. This is a point of truth and nothing else is true in contradiction to this.
As far as the vote goes, some may question why I called for it, but I would have not done so if Chris had not complained that no vote had been taken. Now the vote has come in and the results were as expected. By and away, the majority wants some reasonable rules and feels they should be enforced.
The following statement by Chris has been a topic of continuing discussion:
"Several times on this list when I have seemingly spoken out in words which appear to be different to the sentiments commonly expressed on this list I have received thought energy deliberately sent in my direction ... As an intuitive, one of the capabilities I have remembered is that of reflecting thought directly back to its source(s) from whatever part of the spectrum of time and space it originated. In innocence, I would have thought that the use of conscious Psychic attack would surely not be one of the principles that JJ Dewey espouses to repress the words of those who might question what he writes...
"However, experience has now, on several occasions, shown otherwise ..."
It certainly does sound as if you are saying that experience has shown you that I "espouse" psychic attack.
This statement for which you have not taken responsibility or explained has outraged several on this list. From my own viewpoint, it indeed shows strong delusion as you are perceiving attack where there was not even in existence any thought of attack, let alone any desire to carry one out. Neither have I been angry at you.
My questions to you are:
My compliments to Larry for directing a very lively discussion and to Glenys and others for lending their support.
Let me encourage all to continue on the subject at hand in the spirit for which this class is intended.
"Those who regard non-essence as essence and see essence as non-, don't get to the essence, ranging about in wrong resolves. But those who know essence as essence, and non-essence as non-, get to the essence, ranging about in right resolves."
-- The Buddha (from "The Dhammapada")
Copyright © 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved