2000-12-28 19:04:00
Chris writes:
"Does the decision of perhaps 10 members constitute the decision of all 284 ..
"Now .. let me see ..
"that, in a democracy, is 0.0352% of those eligible to vote ...
"Now, what would happen if some of the others decided
to find their voice, I wonder."
First, this list is not some type of government any more than is a small business. It has no power over your everyday lives as does such a government. You may be forced to live in your country, but you are not forced to live on this list (although it seems that you want to). Rick set up this list through his own initiative and invited me to be the teacher. That's his deal, he implemented it and his freedom to do so should be honored. I haven't seen you run your list or web page by the vote of any of your participants so I do not know how you can come off telling us how to govern here.
Even so it would be interesting to see what the people do think so let me put out these two alternatives for a vote.
OK readers which do you prefer.
(1) Let Chris post to his heart's content on subject or off with no repercussions for breaking the rules. In essence, we should have no enforceable rules.
(2) Some rules are necessary and all of us including Chris should be subject to them. If the rules as constituted or revised in the future lead to probation or removal from the list of Chris or any other, member, so be it.
Please step forward and cast your vote. Please just state (1) or (2)
I'll cast the first vote which is for #2
I know Volker and a few others will want to dream up a creative (3) or (4), but please let us keep it simple and stick to two items.
This voting is for consideration only as such mass voting is not part of any constitution Rick has endorsed, so even if I wanted to, I have no power to enforce its results. The final decision on Chris's fate here will be made by the designated committee - however I'm sure they will be influenced by your vote.
Let me clarify for the hundredth time one more distorted accusation you make.
No one is censured or criticized for disagreeing or as you put it merely "daring to express their feelings." For the past two years I have attempted to give reasonable answers without criticism, as much as time has permitted, to all who disagree.
However, there is a difference between a simple disagreement and a total disregard for the objective of the list as well as common decency, the rules of the list and the desire of those who came aboard because of the prime objective of the list which is to learn more of my teachings. Those who did not join for that purpose and just want a free-for-all discussion are on the wrong list and should seek another better suited to their needs.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved