2000-12-26 11:46:00
Chris seems concerned that we (or more particularly me) are using mind control tactics here on this list. He states that what I call soul contact is similar to mind control techniques the military uses.
First let me state that I think that it takes an over active imagination to come up with such a comparison.
For one thing I am sure that the military is not experimenting with using mind control solely by posting teachings on the internet. It would be difficult to control anyone by such methods. Any experiments they use involves some type of in person contact and to suggest that the military uses "soul contact" as I have taught it as a means of control is an amazing thought.
However Chris is right that groups with ideologies do project a cohesive energy, but this is far removed from soul contact as I have taught it. I have stated a number of times that the standard astral group energy can be mistaken for soul energy but is far removed from it.
True soul contact begins with the individual. Such an individual with soul contact can unite with other individuals and share the soul energy within a group, but unlike regular groups capitalizing upon the herd instinct, the decision of the individual within the soul group will always come back to the individual free of all outside influences. The decision is always between the individual and his soul among true disciples.
Let me herewith issue this challenge after teaching here for over two years. Where is there even one statement I have made or even one person as an accuser that can name one time that I have sought to influence the souls of men and women contrary to their free will?
As far as my handicap creating some hole allowing negative forces to control me - this idea is an outrageous insult to all who have sustained an injury. My accident that I referred to earlier involved a homemade rocket blowing up in my left hand when I was a teenager. My shoulders lungs and heart are fine.
According to your theory Franklin D. Roosevelt would have been subject to control of dark forces since he had a handicap and Hitler would have had the advantage on the side of light.
I let no nothing control me but my own soul and recommend the same path for all people. Of course, none will know this is true if I merely proclaim it, but such truth can be had by all who find true soul contact for one who reaches the soul can recognize another who has.
I end with a quote from Djwahl Khul on accidents:
"When through application to meditation, and power and activity in service, a man has developed his vehicles to a point of real achievement, then his vibrations set in motion matters of a specific kind, and he learns to work with that matter, to manipulate the fluids, and to control the builders. In so doing he encroaches on the domain of those who work with the forces of involution and thus he may bring attack upon himself. This attack may be directed against any of his three vehicles and may be of different kinds. Let me briefly point out some of the methods employed against a disciple which are the ones which alone concern the student of these letters:
"{A} Definite attack on the physical body. All kinds of means are employed to hinder the usefulness of the disciple through disease or the crippling of his physical body. Not all accidents are the result of karma, for the disciple has usually surmounted a good deal of that type of karma and is thus comparatively free from that source of hindrance in active work."
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