2000-12-25 06:47:00
[Compiler's Note: The following is a compilation created by JJ Dewey in which he took previous writings on the topic of "Truth" and put them all into one document.]
Here's some interesting quotes from "A Course in Miracles" (ACIM):
"Salvation is the recognition that truth is true, and nothing else is true. This you have heard before, but you may not accept both parts of it. Without the first, the second has no meaning. But without the second, is the first no longer true. Truth cannot have an opposite. This cannot be too often said and thought about. For if what is not true is true as well as what is true, then part of truth is false. And truth has lost its meaning. Nothing but the truth is true, and what is false is false." (ACIM Workbook, Page 274)
"Truth must be true throughout, if it be true. It cannot contradict itself, nor be in parts uncertain and in others sure." (ACIM Workbook, Page 287)
Some people reflect upon truth and see truth as something that must be a big thing and absolute truth as a concept of momentous proportions, but such is not the case. Truth is just true whether it be the fact that a fly lands on your nose or that someday the whole earth will be burned with fire. If a giant true event happens it is true and if a small event happens it is equally true. Because one happening is more momentous than another does not make it a truer occurrence.
It seems that many want to ponder on the highest truths in the highest realms of existence, but that does about as much good as a child learning the ABC's to be given a book of Shakespeare's plays and be told to read and contemplate the meaning thereof. He cannot read so he cannot contemplate. Because he cannot yet read his mind is blank as he thumbs through the writings because the words are just blurry symbols that tell him nothing.
Let me tell you just one thing to bring you back to earth. The higher worlds are called the formless worlds by the Masters. In these worlds there is no truth as we understand the term. For proof of this let me ask you to think of a truth that you understand and then explain this truth to me without painting the picture of something that has form in time and space. You cannot do it.
The child learns the basics first, how to talk, communicate, the alphabet, writing, reading, thinking and so on. Then if he matures and uses all the things he has learned to the highest of his ability he then learns to gain knowledge in ways that go beyond reading, through the power of the soul. Eventually, he may never have to read again for he may know though other methods.
So it is with us. We must start here where we are. Sure there is a lot of illusion in this world and there are others worlds a lot more permanent and more real in higher realms. When we go there this world will then seem like a dream, but then the time will come we shall also progress out of an even the higher dream. Alas, that world was not the ultimate either. If we try and solve the equations of the higher realms instead of our basic lessons then we will neither know the mysteries of the higher or to be able to live successfully in the lower. What this leads to is the seeker becoming the dreamer within the dream rather than the knower waking from the dream.
The path out of the illusion is truth. We must not cover up truth wherever it may lie or whether it be big or small. Acknowledge all reality (or non reality if you must call it that) for what it is. Do not add to or take away, cover up with deceit, or embellish with lies and you then become the truth and true paths of liberation then open before you. "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free," is perhaps the most profound statement ever uttered.
There are two types of truth that we can ponder.
First there are true facts. These are pixels of information about events or ideas.
Secondly there are true principles. A true principle is a lever that leads to many true facts.
For instance: 2+2=4 is a true fact. If you learn this alone you will know one thing that is true but it will be of little use to you. On the other hand, if you learn the principle that governs addition and subtraction you can then obtain billions of true pieces of information about the numbers. For instance, you will understand that 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 5+5=10 and so on. An infinite number of tiny pieces of data are now available.
We start our progression in truth by recognizing true facts and true data and passing it on in an uncorrupted state with no deceit. Then as our minds expand, we are drawn more to true principles because we begin to realize that these truths are extremely valuable. The problem is that we cannot handle or even recognize true principles until we first have learned to deal truthfully with facts. When we see and relate true facts for what they are, we become prepared to see the truth in principles as they are presented to our consciousness.
I just have a minute but wanted to make a comment on Tracy's thought.
She writes:
"Well, it was true at one time in my life that I could not walk. That was TRUE. It is no longer true."
Remember we are talking about truth as points in time and space. Contemplate what this important phrase means. This is a key to harmonizing all of our thought as a group.
It is true that there was a point in time and space that I was a baby and could not walk. But now I am at a different point in time and space I can walk, but that doers not change the point in time and space where I could not walk. That still exists and it is still true that as a baby I could not walk.
It is a little like walking along a path and you pass some beautiful scenery. After walking an hour the scenery changes so it is no longer beautiful. This does not mean that the beautiful scenery behind you no longer exists. You can go back and look at it whenever you desire to go back to that exact point on the path.
Points in time and space are like that. At each point in time and space is a point of truth that will always be.
We are discussing a vast subject here and it will take a while to get through it, but when we do I believe most of us will see eye to eye not because I am your authority, but because your souls are your authority and all souls are one.
Here is Zina's definition of Truth:
"Truth: is that which I know now."
This tells me very little so let me ask you some questions to clarify.
Is truth something you think you know or something you know you know?
If you think you know something to be true and is later proven false then was it really true in the first place?
If you believe you know that 2+2=3 is this still truth in your definition?
If I present something now that you do not know now, is that which I know the truth? For instance the high temperature in Boise today was 54 degrees. Because I know this and you do not does this mean that this is not true? If it is not true then what is the true temperature?
The subject of truth is not a concept that I would have presented near the beginning of my relationship with this group. I knew it would be controversial and there are many other things I will present that will be controversial so I first wanted to establish a relationship with a number of you in such a way that I would be seen as having an earned authority in your eyes. Only in this way can your eyes be open enough to consider some of the things that I will teach here. To be opened enough to consider a teaching is important for without sincere consideration there can be no possibility of soul confirmation.
We have been gliding along rather smoothly for a while so I thought to myself, "It's time to put a teaching out there to stir the waters and perhaps purify to a higher degree."
The reason I asked for Zina's definition of truth was so I could more intelligently respond to her posts for if she believes the meaning of truth is one thing and I another then a frustrating communication results. She mentions mental telepathy, but we are limited to words here on the Internet and we must plow with the horses we have.
The definition she gave me was: "Truth: is that which I know now... Not what I think, not what I believe."
Sorry, I do not know what you mean here so I went back and read all your posts trying to figure out what you mean when you speak of truth and absolute truth.
Here is what I have gleaned from your writings:
You only seem to speak of truth in the absolute sense and truth as you see it lies beyond the world of perception. When we see an elephant we are not seeing any truth about the elephant. Any truth concerning the elephant lies beyond its form. If I see that the elephant has four legs that is not true in your mind. Therefore if I tell someone the elephant has three legs I am not lying.
You say the past is not true and that it can be changed. The future is not true either and that can be changed. Does this mean that Bill Clinton may have had no sex with Monica after all that he can change his past and now be telling us the truth?
Sorry, but this makes no sense to me. I see this type of thinking as part of a great illusion that traps many new age people who have misunderstood the "Seth" books and "A Course in Miracles."
The way you define truth is so narrow it would make the idea of telling the truth or lying meaningless. "Sorry dear," I couldn't tell you the truth about that good looking secretary because what you think you see of her has nothing to do with truth. I couldn't possibly have an affair with an illusion."
Let's get real here. 99% of the people out there have a pretty good general idea of what we mean when we speak of telling the truth or lying. I am taking what people already correctly understand about truth and guiding them a step further.
It is true that as you progress to worlds higher than the physical that things seem to be more real and permanent, and this you call "absolute truth," but even in the higher worlds there is change and BECOMING so it's not absolute in the way you are thinking.
To say that 2+2 is not 4 is being argumentative here with no purpose. In the any final oneness where there could not be a two plus two you would not even exist as an entity, but what good does it do us to even think about it when there are so many points of truth here in this reality to assist us in the joy of BECOMING?
Now, I'll give you a couple more things (speaking to the group) that you may have not considered.
There are those who say we can change the past as well as the future. But let me present you this: You cannot change the past or the future.
No, I am not teaching the doctrine of predestination, not at all. Let me explain.
You cannot change the future because there is nothing to change. The future is not here yet. You create the future within your "ring-pass-not" and, when each point in time and space arrives, it is unchangeable.
Let me put it this way. Let us say you are going to make a snowball and you think to yourself, "I am going to change the future and not make that snowball, I'll make a snowman instead." Time passes and you make the snowman instead of the snowball and you think to yourself: "I'm proud of myself. I've changed the future."
Not so. The snowball was never made in the future so it was never there to change. When the future arrived there was no snowball to change. The real future contained the snowman. There was no snowball to change.
Now the event is passed there is a snowman at this point in time and space, but there will never be a snowball at that point. This point of time where the snowman was made is unchangeable when it was future and unchangeable when it slipped to the past.
Instead of changing the past and future what you do is create them. Each creation is a DECISION point. You can create or decide anything you want to, but decisions in time and space cannot be changed. If I decided to buy a new car yesterday, but changed my mind today I do not alter the fact that I made that decision yesterday. I can, however, alter the effect of that decision with an opposing decision today.
Zina brings up one more item for thought. She says that truth is not something we perceive. I would argue this point. All truth that registers in our consciousness or understanding is truth that is perceived in some way. Without some type of perception truth cannot be registered in consciousness. If you do not consider this to be true then think of anything that you know or believe to be true and tell me how you arrived at it with no perception.
Copyright © 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved