2000-12-17 18:30:00
My Friends,
The time has come for me to put most of the little spare time I have into the writing and printing of more books. In particular the time has come for me to write Book Three of the Immortal. Unfortunately, in order to do so I will have to withdraw a good portion of my attention away from my writings on the list for a period of time. I would guess this time period would be at least six months.
However, I am pleased to announce that the teachings will continue to go on. I have selected a trinity of teachers to take my place which are Larry, Benjamin and Glenys. Glenys has worked behind the scenes in preparation, but her new job will take her time away from us for a while so Larry and Benjamin will start the ball rolling.
In many ways this change will be a blessing for I see that there are many very talented people on this list and I'm sure it will be a growth experience for us all to see new teachers come to the surface.
Believe me, they will need your help as much or more than you need them, just as I have been very dependent on your participation. So do not be hesitant to post, but jump in with your comments on whatever the topic is and make the new teachers show greater works than I have.
So Larry will be the first to jump in (whenever he wants) and guide the lessons. I urge you to go out of your way to support him.
In the meantime, I will not be completely silent. I will be reading the postings and will be writing short comments as I have time and will try and write one major post a week. I also will complete this train of thought I am writing on. After that I will attempt to make my future postings in alignment and support of the current teacher. I want to express my appreciation to Larry, Benjamin and Glenys in their hard work in making it possible for the list to continue yet free my hands to go on to other work.
I also want to send the whole group much love and thanks for your support, writings and comments that have made this list the best oasis of truth on the internet.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved