2000-12-17 12:29:00
It is indeed true that all teachers will have EXOUSIA authority [authority given them through the freewill of others] granted to them. This was true for Jesus as well as Jim Jones. There is nothing the teacher can do to stop this from happening with that certain percentage of students that will not check with their own souls.
The question for the sincere teacher, who is not seeking power over others, is what shall he do then? Shall he cease from teaching at all?
On the contrary, Jesus spoke just the opposite in His advice to Peter when He said:
"Feed my sheep."
The sheep are those who will follow a teacher.
The false teacher will seek to be fed by the sheep.
The true teacher will seek to feed the sheep.
Notice that Jesus repeated this instruction to Peter three times and by the third time Peter answered with irritation that the Master seemed to think him so dense.
By feeding the sheep with true knowledge and service they will be quickened in their progress so they will be better prepared for the great test when they meet their Busiris [In Greek mythology -- was a monstrous mythical Egyptian king who, in order to avert a famine, used to sacrifice to the gods all strangers who set foot on his shores.] and all who seek to bind them with their power over them.
Keep checking with your souls, and when the link called in the east the antahkarana [The bridge between higher & lower self, serving as a medium of communication between the two.] is created, then the seeker graduates from a sheep to a disciple to a shepherd.
Note the words of Jesus:
"I am the good shepherd."
There is small number of good shepherds and then there are the not-so-good ones. The beginning sheep find good or bad shepherds by accident. The more progressed ones recognize the good shepherds through the voice of the soul.
"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity."
-- Albert Einstein
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