2000-12-15 11:07:00
I do not remember you posting anything abrasive or offensive since you've been on the list, Diane. The few retorts you have given have been richly called for.
I feel bad that 'privacy' got kicked off the list. I find it a challenge to reach someone so antagonistic like that. Usually, it cannot be done, but then there are times when success comes. I can certainly understand Rick's reasoning and I accept it. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't get numerous private letters on the negativity.
Rick's kind of a softy like me and someone does need to push beyond what good manners are to cause him to press the button. I believe that 'privacy' is only the second person that has been deleted from membership so Rick indeed cannot be accused of being on an authoritarian rage here.
We have had some thought provoking answers on the four categories of evil from Rick, Robin and Sharri. I will comment more on them tomorrow, but first I want you to contemplate a great mystery lying before us in the fourth category concerning spiritual wickedness in celestial places.
We tend to think that when we progress out of the human kingdom to the kingdom of God that the only way to go is up, but is this really the case?
Do we not have the story of Lucifer falling from heaven? Is it possible that even a Master or a Logos could turn to evil? If he did, how would that evil manifest?
Hint: Do we ever lose free will?
Keep in mind that we are not using evil in the typical context of the religious zealots, but as a principle.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved