2000-12-5 00:39:00
Bruce wrote a provocative letter to which Travis gave a logical response. Let me add a few things.
"Sorry to be so abrasive here, but you have GOT to be kidding!??!! I am continually amazed at the justifications people put forward for the right of owning arms. Violence and Gun control have no direct relationship."
Can you show us some evidence of this? Proclaiming a belief does not make it true.
"Violence will always be present while the social conditions that create it exist. Any argument about violence and gun control either way is invalid."
Whose decree makes it invalid - yours? Definitely not mine.
"Comparing death by gun shot to medical accidents is ridiculous. How is there any comparison? Millions of people die every day due to disease - this is horrible, why are we worried about gun control? Millions die from starvation - so why are we worried about gun control? This is crazy. Death by medical accident is part and parcel of medicine. Humans are not perfect, and by the shear volume of people being treated, there will be accidents."
I would appreciate it if you argue with what I do say and not with what I do not say.
I made no direct comparison of these two areas but I did point out one main similarity that cannot be disputed. That is there are deaths which result from both activities and the deaths from medical mistakes are 666 times more in number than deaths from guns. It is only logical to wonder why people are more upset over a problem which creates a small number of deaths compared to one which produces a large number of deaths.
The answer to this is simple. The controversy over guns is largely caused, not by the damage they do, but from the fact that the freedom to bear arms runs contrary to the belief system of many. I believe that the heated emotional feelings of the anti gun people comes more from the disturbance of their belief system than it does from concern over the damage guns may create.
On the other hand, many of these same people do not have their belief system challenged by deaths caused by medical "authorities" so the suffering of the people involved is just accepted, because there is "nothing we can do."
There is much we can do and I submit that at least half of those who die at the hands of mistakes caused by doctors could have been returned to health with only a minimum of education in the true science of healing available to all.
The saving of one day's worth of unnecessary medical deaths would equal a number greater than those who are killed by guns over the length of more than a year!!!
My main point stands and is irrefutable. I was not comparing doctors and guns, but effects and effects.
Problem one (guns): cause a few deaths each year.
Problem two (medical mistakes) cause 666 times more deaths and there are things we can do about it.
It does not make sense to be more upset at problem number one than problem number two.
If one did no other thing than apply the principles of health, which we discussed earlier, many more lives of those who are ill, could be saved than ever are killed by guns.
Another question remains:
Why take away a basic freedom when the removal of that freedom accomplishes no benefit?
I see you are from Australia. I read recently that Australia enacted very strict gun controls by making guns pretty much illegal, and the homicide and violent crime rate still increased.
The only reason I can see for taking away the right to bear arms from law abiding citizens is a misplaced sense of desire to enforce the morality of one group upon another.
"From my experience those who hunt simply enjoy the power of life over death!!!!!"
Did your hunter friends tell you this or is this merely a harsh judgment you have made on them? If this is merely a judgment you have conjured up on what foundation do you base such judgment?
I do not know any hunter who hunts for the thrill of power "of life over death." If you know people who really have this attitude you must run with a rough crowd.
I have not hunted for over 35 years, but used to hunt regularly and power had nothing to do with it. I hunted for food and sport. I viewed it as a sport like I did a ball game. I have since changed my views, but still allow all who wish to hunt the freedom to do so and make no attempt at judging their motives.
"Average Joe Blow needs a gun to protect themselves from some unseen threat is NOT a valid reason."
Is something valid merely because you have decreed it???
I would say that Joe Blow has as valid of reason to have a gun as you have to smoke some pot or to eat a tomato.
"I wonder what Ghandi would have said about the All American right to own a gun for the purpose of protection!!!!"
Ghandi's Spirit just materialized in the chair next to me so I asked him this question and here's what he said:
"I love America!!! If it ain't broke don't fix it."
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved