2000-12-5 00:39:00
I want to welcome the new posters coming aboard - Jarmo, Bruce, Jesus Moses Elijah and others. We knew Jesus would show up sooner or later. He comes from Sterling's list and is a gentle soul; you can call J.E.M. for short.
And Pat - thank you for your thoughtful account of how the teachings helped your life. I get many personal letters of appreciation, and for this I am thankful.
Again I would like to repeat that some may believe we are drifting away from metaphysics by talking about practical items such as gun control, global warming etc., but combing the practical with the theory is an essential ingredient in the Middle Way. Many there are who have their brains filled with wonderful teachings and theory, but if they cannot be applied in the real world they remain just that - unapplied untested dreams of wonder. Without the testing of a belief that belief cannot be turned into a real experience, and without a real experience the truth cannot be fully known and the seeker cannot be truly free.
We have been discussing the Principle of Freedom and I believe none have opposed this principle as I have taught it, but then things are different when we apply the principle to real life situations, some of which may go against our wishes or ideal of reality.
This is why gun control is such a dividing sword. It divides those who will allow the principle of freedom to play out even if they would never own a gun themselves.
The real test of the application of this principle in the life of the seeker is when one is faced with the decision of tolerating the behavior of others that you would never yourself endorse - proving that behavior does not produce great risk to the whole of the group.
Since studies show that freedom of gun ownership creates no massive increase of risk (most indicate decrease of risk) then there would extreme inconsistency to endorse the Principle of Freedom yet seek to infringe on the freedom to own guns.
No matter what your belief system there will come trials in harmonizing the Principle of Freedom with personal feelings.
He who believes in the Principle of Freedom yet is against abortion must allow the woman her freedom of choice whether that choice be right or wrong.
He who believes in the Principle of Freedom yet is against gays living together must allow them that freedom of choice whether that choice be right or wrong.
He who believes in the Principle of Freedom yet is against illegal drugs must allow the user his freedom of choice whether that choice be right or wrong.
He who believes in the Principle of Freedom yet is against Neo-Nazis promoting their doctrines must allow them that freedom of choice whether that choice be right or wrong.
He who believes in the Principle of Freedom yet is against cutting down trees must allow others the freedom of choice within their own sphere whether that choice be right or wrong - as long as no great harm is done to the earth.
He who believes in the Principle of Freedom yet is against rules being laid down in a school, group or business must allow others freedom of choice within their own sphere of activity whether that choice be right or wrong - for the seeker retains the choice to work for another company, join another group or take another class.
Each potential disciple will have some final temptation to support the unreasonable restriction of others in the name of promoting his personal desire to see that which is good triumph. The deception is that true good can only magnify in an atmosphere of maximum possible freedom.
The old Communist USSR was a prime example of this. They had an ideal of equality in their minds yet attempted to bring equality into manifestation by force. The result was a division of classes even more pronounced than Russia had under the Tsar.
When freedom rings things often appear to get worse before they get better and the temptation is to go back to restricting freedom. If, on the other hand, people will let freedom play out in all cases except where great harm will occur, then a sure progress is made toward the ideal.
Concerning the use of guns, for instance, the result of unreasonable restriction will prolong indefinitely the use of guns by criminals against those who abide the law. But if the Principle of Freedom is allowed to manifest then the time will shortly come that guns will be unnecessary for our protection because there will be no threat. The main use of guns in the hopeful future will be target practice and for collection purposes.
The human race is also gravitating away from meat eating toward a vegetarian diet, but this will not happen overnight and those who are against the eating of meat will jeopardize their own progression if they do not tolerate those who do, for all is proceeding according to the Plan of the Great Ones.
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts."
William Shakespeare
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved