2000-12-1 22:00:00
I had a lot of typos in my last post so I am posting a corrected version below for the archives.
I notice that everyone is very quiet today. Maybe it is because I covered a controversial subject. Don't worry about posting a disagreement with me. That is not against the rules. The new rules are to avoid obnoxiousness more than the elimination of disagreements.
The Question:
Where are other battles being fought out between emotion and mind?
The trouble is that the battles going on are of a very subtle nature and can only be discerned by the mind and understood (another matter) through soul contact.
We have just talked about gun control, a normally conservative issue, but do not assume that conservatives have a lock on the mind for they lose the war in other areas.
For instance, many conservatives only look at abortion from an emotional level without bringing in thought and reasoning in the matter.
As far as political thought goes I would again say that the Libertarians are the most mental in their outlook for their whole philosophy reflects the principle of freedom. Their only fault is that they are too dogmatic to compromise and hence get less than one percent of the vote nationwide. To reach the people one must start where the people are and then move them to a higher reality. If one moves too far a distance from the mainstream he will lose the support of the people even if he is one hundred percent correct.
A prime area where this battle between the emotions and the mind is being fought is between those who are black and white in their interpretations of philosophy and religious thought, and those who see shades of gray and points of truth between the two extremes.
Give examples of how many religious people are black and white and how they would be different if they used the reasoning of mind.
I talked about gun control and perhaps sounded black and white.
What is the difference between one who is black and white as far as an attitude toward gun control and another who supports the right to bear arms, but uses the reason of mind?
Revised Post
The New World War
"He that hath two navels is born again."
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved