2000-11-27 20:31:00
I complimented you on your interesting post yesterday because it was the type of off topic post that the group likes. It was also not a long one. I hoped to guide you correctly by positive words rather than correction.
Now today you made two posts that are the type of off topic that we do not like to see on this list. Most of us here are not impressed with channeling that claims to be from some great one but does not have the great words and thoughts to back it up.
You are welcome to put a URL reference for things like this, but the majority of the group here is irritated by this type of proselytizing whether the subject be Christ consciousness or an introduction to Jimmy Swaggart's greater livingness.
I do not know how many ways to say this, so I will say it one more time in simple language.
This is NOT a free-for-all-stream-of-consciousness discussion group.
This is a class and those who are here are expected, within reason, to post within the objectives of the class.
The current question under consideration is:
Name three Laws of Order which will assist mankind in creating the New Age of Peace. Tell us why you believe this.
Please refer to my previous post for elaboration.
"All vibration, it must be remembered, travels along waves of living substance."
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved