2000-11-23 10:36:00
JJ wrote:
Another important point is that the path of involution is dominated by female energy whereas the path of evolution is dominated by male. The female is the savior of the male in the fact that she leads all life into experience making Eternal Becoming possible. The male is the savior of the female in the fact that when the problems of the world of experience become manifest, he will lead the female out of matter back into the world of Spirit.
Male and female energies are different, but from the viewpoint of wholeness (or holiness) one is not more spiritual than the other. In fact there is no true spirituality unless the two work together as a unit. Creation itself can only take place through their interplay.
Magnetism is female and radiation is male and it is indeed a magnetic influence that pulls us into the involutionary path. The female is attracted to the "forbidden fruit" that pulls us into experience. Once pulled into the experience by female force the action of the male creates a plan to take us back.
In a nutshell Chris tells us that he has seen evidence through his psychic vision that symbols of authority carry over from life to life and feels that these must be removed in order to achieve soul contact. Then he asks:
"Would it be correct, in your perspective, then that true soul contact as a validation of "Truth" can only be found if there is no sworn allegiance to any authority, person, teacher .."
It is indeed true that the numbers of distractions to soul contact are legion. The most powerful of these distractions is attachment to authority as you noted. In fact we spent the first 100 posts talking about this and how such unjust authority is the mark of the beast that prevents the Name of God from manifesting in the heart and mind.
Now many seekers have areas of their belief system that is blocked by illusion or glamour of some kind and then have other areas where they are open. In the areas where they are open they can receive soul contact, but then in areas where they are closed no such contact will be forthcoming. Instead, contact will be made with a thought form which will substitute for the soul.
These obstacles to soul contact must be removed by the light of the soul shining upon the mind, or by the mind coming to an understanding which will in turn receive the soul light.
In Chris' case he made discoveries about thoughtforms which controlled his thoughts and this increased realization gave him power to break free.
So how can one without psychic vision break free and contact the soul?
The answer is he cannot if he continues to be polarized in the astral or emotional body. The mind must be stimulated and take control of the decision making process. When this occurs and the seeker begins to understand the importance of breaking free from unjust authority then all he has to do is make a decision to be lead by the spirit within rather than an authority without.
I say all he has to do, but it is not as easy as that. While this is a true statement it is extremely difficult to make that first decision to trust the spirit within over a previously trusted authority without. But after that first decision has been made the second and third is much easier. Eventually the disciple will get a charge out of defying authorities seeking to control him.
Since most people are polarized in the emotional body and cannot break free from outward authority what are they to do? Are they doomed to be controlled with no end in sight? What is the best solution for them?
"In the beginning the head of the Gods called a council of the Gods; and they came together and concocted a plan to create the world and people it."
Joseph Smith
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved