2000-11-20 20:14:00
"It profits no man to measure things precisely using a bent rule."
-- Ken Pinkham
Great quote Glenys. I still wish you would compile a book of your quotes.
I have only a minute to post to you and will write more on the current question soon.
Chris has posted much information on the Heart Center, and much of it is useful to contemplate.
As far as he is disagreeing with me or various schools disagreeing with each other a lot of the differentiations are caused by illusionary vision. Just because someone claims to see with some supernormal vision does not mean that he either sees accurately or interprets accurately.
For one thing to see into the aura or etheric matter of another you must first look through your own. What sometimes happens is that the seer will see colors or symbols within his own aura when thinking he is seeing effects in the aura of another.
If one is centered in the Solar Plexus he will have to filter his seeing through a rosy red with a touch of green. In addition to this, he will have to see through colors within his aura. Beyond this he is likely to see symbols in the outer film of his aura.
Often times several people together will see a similar illusion because of their similarity in vibration and expectant outcome.
The best source of learning about the centers is from an actual Master in connection with your own soul confirmation. This is why I would recommend learning from the writings of Alice A. Bailey which contain teachings of a Master, or one who has mastered these illusions.
Larry asks how we can know whether of not the teachings of the Centers [Chakras] are true? So I throw this out to the group.
How can we know that this teaching is just not a fabrication?
This is a good opportunity for us to apply the Principles of Discovery that we so thoroughly covered. Especially applicable are the Law of Correspondences (#13).
Other useful principles in this case are: #1, #6, #7, #11, #16, #19, #21 and #23. Others also, I'm sure could be helpful.
I herewith post them again below:
It is time to move on to the next principle even though we shall never leave the pendulum principle far behind and will most likely revisit it periodically.
The next Principle of Discovery is:
"I know that He (Christ) has no pleasure in the great stone temples which man has built whilst His people are left without practical guidance or reasonable light upon their affairs; and I know too that He feels, with an aching heart, that the simplicity which He taught, and the simple Way to God which He emphasized have disappeared in the fogs of theology and the discussions of churchmen throughout the centuries. I know that He realises that the words He spoke have been lost in the labyrinths of the ecclesiastical minds which have sought to interpret them, and that the simple teaching of the Approach to God which He taught has been superseded by the pomp and ceremony of elaborate rituals."
-- Djwhal Khul to Alice A. Bailey
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