2000-11-18 21:38:00
Fiona writes:
"I have posted no more than half a dozen times to this list and the language that greeted my last post was the most offensive I have encountered for a very long time."
You are speaking of Xavier's words and he has been reamed on and off the list and has apologized. One must take note, however, that his native tongue is French and that he has seen our cuss words used with such abandon that he kind of saw this as acceptable use.
On another note, I agree with a post that said he or she would rather be cussed at than subtly insulted.
I certainly feel this way. I would rather have someone cuss at me, giving their true feelings than receive an insincere message of love. This does not give us excuse to be coarse in our language, but neither should we be insincere or give subtle insults.
I am reminded of another quote from Joseph Smith.
"I love that man better who swears a stream as long as my arm yet deals justice to his neighbors and mercifully deals his substance to the poor, than the long, smooth-faced hypocrite."
I have always loved Xavier and most of the group feels the same way, despite his impulsiveness. And believe me, he is not beyond letting me have it when he feels so inclined.
Chris writes:
"If you are talking of the classic Eastern Symbols for Anahata or what is referred to as the Heart Chakra, this description is incorrect, incomplete and misleading.
"The Sanskrit symbols on the Vermilion petals have nothing to do with what you call love and wisdom energies. They represent the seed sounds or nada of the letters 'kam' to 'tham' which have far deeper implication and meaning than you describe."
Deeper than words can describe, I am sure.
While it may be true my description was not complete (as I do not wish to bore the readers) I do maintain that the petals of the heart center are related to Love and Wisdom. This is why it is called the "center relating to Love-Wisdom." As the qualities of spiritual love and wisdom develop in the aspirant the petals unfold.
"Ahahata cannot possibly open until the two triangles in its centre interpenetrate. One is the downward pointing merge of the chakras above it and the other is an upward pointing merge of the chakras below. The colour is smoky grey. Only then will the petals unfurl. Not until Anahata fully opens, will mind descend to the small lotus suspended below it."
I assume you are referring to the two triangles of the upper and lower triads which meet in the heart. The heart center does not open in one jump when the two triangles align, but the heart center gradually opens and is completely open when alignment is achieved.
The heart center has a golden glow, but etheric matter does seem to have a somewhat smoky gray look depending on the eye of the beholder.
I see that others have stepped forward and answered many of Marina's questions similar to the way I would have. The teaching on the seven centers is thousands of years old and is accepted by most all who have an interest in metaphysics. If one pays attention to inward energies you can sense these various unfoldments of the petals as you move along the path. When you feel new energies coming into play there will be no doubt. You must prove matters from your own experience.
Now let us cover the questions I previously asked, which were:
"Is one who has graduated from college as an engineer likely to be a thinker?"
All seemed to agree that the answer to this is generally no. Robin gave a good elaboration:
"I would think that some engineer graduates could be thinkers, and some may not be. If one uses only the solutions he/she learned in college to solve engineering problems, and doesn't add new, creative solutions to the mix, then they are probably not a thinker. However, if problems are met with new solutions, or an old solution is applied in a new and creative way, then that would be the work of a thinker."
The next question was:
"Is one who has patented three inventions likely to be a thinker?"
All seemed to see this as a yes answer. Diane spoke well here:
"My guess is yes because of the processes involved. Nicola Tesla comes to mind. He had many patents and was very creative."
"Is the author of a best selling book likely to be a thinker?"
Glenys answered this well:
"Depends. A Jackie Collins type, no. A Stephen Hawkings type, yes. A JJ Dewey type, yes."
Thanks for the plug Glenys.
"Is one who has started a new and unique business likely to be a thinker?"
Travis spoke well here:
"The new and unique part stands out here. To me, a thinker is one who will think outside the "box" and do something totally different. Someone who ignores the "rules" and does something their own way. Often times it's a risky thing. And often, it works out."
Which is most likely to be a thinker?
This was a tough one for you, and I thought Larry gave a good answer:
"A member of a dangerous cult? At least [s]he is going against the [main]stream. I have read quite a bit about the Branch Davidians and once one penetrates beyond the media generated facade one finds some rather non-ordinary people. In many ways I admire some of them more than I do a Marcus Borg -- liberal theologian and author whose views I find most sterile and uninspiring, although he himself is quite engaging and sincere."
Susan agrees:
"I would definitely say a member of a dangerous cult because they have likely broken away from orthodoxy. They are usually categorized out of fear as dangerous because their way of thinking is so unorthodox."
Acquiring the ability to think is an important step in evolution, but it does not mean that you are perfect by any means. Often times when we move into a new step on the path more mistakes than usual are made at first because we are in unfamiliar territory. Russia is a great example or this. When they shed totalitarianism and began to taste democracy things actually got worse, even though we know from experience in the free world that democracy works better in the end.
When the seeker first develops mind and independent thought he will often join a cult or two until he gets burned several times. Finally most will settle into a sensible middle ground.
I have talked to a number of people involved in cults and read much of their literature and they are generally more interesting to talk to about philosophy and more mental in their approach than the standard Episcopalian. The trouble is that their minds are caught up in some illusion at the foundation of their beliefs. Illusion cannot be dispelled by mind alone.
"Name an individual who you believe to be using mind."
Xavier writes:
"I loved the guy who made the Benetton's advertisements years ago. He was provocative and brilliant, and he challenged everybody so strongly and freely."
Was this just in France, Xavier? What was the product?
I really liked Robin's answer to this as she named her husband Larry, who we all know. Many mates see their spouse as a quintessential example of stupidity, so I am glad to see this rare support. We'll give her slack on her monkey comment, however.
The understanding of astrology helps in seeing how the coming shift is to materialize. Each of the signs has varying degrees of male or female energy. I tabulate it as follows. Plus numbers are representative of male energy and minus as female:
The Elements:
Water = minus 2
Earth = minus1
Air = plus 1
Fire = plus 2
The Crosses
Mutable Cross = minus 1
Fixed = 0
Cardinal Cross = plus 1
There are other factors such as Rays and Ruling Planets but using this as a basis gives us a general idea in the following tabulation:
Aries: 2+1=3
Taurus: -1+0=-1
Gemini: 1+-1=0
Cancer: -2+1=-1
Leo: 2+0=2
Virgo: -1+-1=-2
Libra: 1+1=2
Scorpio: -2+0=-2
Sagittarius: 2-1=1
Capricorn: -1+1=0
Aquarius: 1+0=1
Pisces: -2+-1=-3
Notice that Aquarius, the sign we are entering is positive one and Pisces, the sign we are leaving is minus three, the most female of all the signs. In addition, Pisces is ruled by Ray Six, strong in female energy.
Now the interesting thing is that the past two thousand years are seen as being dominated by the male. Men ruled kingdoms, fought wars and made lots of trouble for our planet.
How indeed then has female energy been strong in manifestation during the past 2000+ years?
On the other hand, the New Age we are entering, , is seen as being one of more equality between the sexes, giving the female more power which she deserves. How can this be when the ages are shifting from female to male in polarity? How will male energy manifest in the coming age as opposed to the strong female energy in the past age?
For those of you unfamiliar with the terms male and female energy there is much written on the subject in The Archives.
"Truth is within ourselves; it takes no rise from outward things whatever you may believe. There is an inmost center in us all where truth abides in fullness, and to know rather consists in opening out a way whence the imprisoned splendor may escape than effecting entry for a light supposed to be without."
-- Robert Browning
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