1998-12-14 20:12:00
[Compiler's Note: As this Archive is dedicated to the writings of JJ Dewey, any references to messages and/or comments made by members other than JJ Dewey -- and not quoted by him, can be located by date, and read in the KOK (Keys Of Knowledge) Archives located here at FreeRead.Com.]
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"The Immortal I" -- Audio Book on CD
Order a free CD containing a copy of "The Immortal I" in MP3 (podcast) and PDF (text) file formats. As an extra bonus, the CD also contains seven original songs written by the author himself.
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You also have the option of downloading the entire book for free as a single file in one of several popular formats and read or listen to it at your convenience:
You also have three other ways to enjoy this book right now:
The Immortal I/II -- Books 1 and 2 bound in a single volume. ($19.95)
In Book Two John takes Joe to visit the heavenly city of the New Jerusalem and some interesting mysteries are revealed. The first key word is revealed and is elaborated. There is more to learn here than expected. John answers numerous questions and elaborates on the beginning and possible end of the universe. The mysteries of the numbers seven and twelve are revealed Elizabeth discovers some of the mysterious causes of her illness. There are interesting confrontations with their uncooperative doctor and later an encounter in the physical world with a Dark Brother. Joe is taken to Shamballa, meets the Ancient of Days, and learns to receive revelation through crystals. The book ends with a fierce battle between the forces of good and evil for the life and soul of Elizabeth, and a climax that will fill your heart with joy and hope.
Here are two excerpts from Book 2 that you can read here on FreeRead:
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The Lost Key Of The Buddha -- Book III in "The Immortal" series. ($19.95)
Was Ananda, the Beloved disciple of Buddha, also John the Beloved Disciple of Jesus? Was this same man as "The Immortal" who has appeared in our day to reveal important lost teachings of Buddha and the Christ? Are the Keys of Knowledge the missing link between Christianity and Buddhism? Find out this and more in the third installment that will eventually reveal all twelve "Keys of Knowledge." Read excerpts taken from this book online at Google Books.
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Eternal Words -- Book IV in "The Immortal" series. ($19.95)
In this book the author takes the reader on a quest for the Third Key of Communion. We learn the reason teachings of light are distorted over the generations, about higher perception, principles of creation, the beginning and end of the universe, residual reading and much more. In the end, there is a powerful confrontation with evil, a superhuman test and a solution that takes us from inside the atom to a revelation of the whole universe and its destiny. Brace yourself to go where you have not gone before. Read excerpts taken from this book online at Google Books.
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The Molecular Relationship ($19.95)
From atoms to society, synergy fosters greater unity and potential for good. Explore what may be our true purpose and reason for our existence, and what may be the ultimate relationship.
Read a draft of Chapter One, entitled "Creation."
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The Gathering Of Lights ($19.95)
The story of Israel is the story of humanity. Israel was a microcosm of the human race intended to be an ensign to her brethren. What eternal principle was being acted out by them which was meant to be an example for us to follow?
Read a draft of Chapter One, entitled "To Prevail As God."
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Gods Of The Bible ($14.95)
Perhaps the greatest common denominator among the followers of New Age thought is the belief that one has to look no further to find God than within himself. Discover how this same principle was also taught by the prophets of old, but became lost to us through mistranslations of the original texts.
Read a draft of Part One, which includes the Introduction and Chapter One, entitled "Did The Serpent Lie?"
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The Keys Of Knowledge, Vols 1-6 ($19.95)
A personalized hard copy version of a collection of articles hand-picked from "The Keys Archives" by J.J. Dewey.
Each volume must be ordered individually.
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Below is an index of podcast collections which cover a wide variety of metaphysical, esoteric, and spiritual teachings. These podcasts were recorded during lectures, classes, and annual Spiritual Symposiums -- or "Gatherings." While the topics of these podcasts vary; in general, they address popular issues related to metaphysics, religion and philosophy.
Once on a page containing a link to a podcast, you can listen to the podcast by clicking on either one of the speaker icons, or the link found in between the speaker icons which should download the MP3 file and automatically launch your MP3 Player. Alternatively, listeners can of course download the file or files to their computer hard disk or MP3 player, and listen to the podcast at their own convenience. For ease of listening, each podcast is approximately ten minutes in length.
Copyright 1998 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved