2000-11-6 12:47:00
Susan brought up an interesting point. Even though she thought Glenys gave an answer that would be difficult to add to, she decided to post her thoughts anyway. She commented that this would be good for her own understanding and growth.
This is true.
Posting your thoughts to a question does indeed help with your understanding but the benefits extend further than that.
Maybe your answer is worded in such a way that it opens the eyes of certain people on the list that do not register or identify with the other posts. So my advice is, do not resist posting because you feel all has been said that needs to be said. You may be denying someone else an insight that only you can deliver.
Also if you feel the question is too technical for you do not hesitate to give some personal experience related to the subject. These types of accounts are often the most interesting to the greatest number.
So please do not overlook your own uniqueness and that your slant on things is often more interesting than you think. I know I personally enjoy all your posts that are in your own words and thoughts.
The Question
How would you define these three divine aspects (Will-Power-Purpose) and how do you suppose they provide a key to manifesting that which the seeker Decides?
The power behind all of these is the power which activates Decision, for it is only after a decision has been made that Purpose is made manifest even though they both silently co-exist in the mind of the Creator. Then it is only after a purpose is sensed that Power can be applied. Again it is only after purpose and power is in play that Will can be exercised to manifest the decision.
Will-Power-Purpose working together synthetically manifests the first ray which is called Power.
Not only is every aspect subdivided into three, but they also have their lower octave. The lower octave is much easier for average humanity to comprehend.
The lower octave of Will-Power-Purpose is Determination-Empowerment-Objective.
To understand the higher one must see both the lower and the higher and let light be shed through the principle of contrasts which is the principle behind vision.
Let us start with Purpose.
Glenys writes:
"Purpose is closely associated with will as one has to have a fixed design or idea to 'will' into being or in other words, an objective in mind before anything can be achieved."
JJ: Yes, the normal way of looking at Purpose is to see it as "a fixed design or idea" as an objective to be achieved. This is an excellent definition, but it applies to the lower octave. In other words, an objective is a goal to be achieved. But when the goal is achieved the objective no longer exists. Because an objective has a beginning and end it then cannot be the highest aspect of Purpose for the divine aspects in their purity have no beginning and no end and are eternal.
There is no word in the dictionary that exactly represents the Divine aspect of Purpose so we can't rely on dictionary definitions were except as a hint.
The best one in my computer dictionary reads as follows:
"The object toward which one strives or for which something exists; an aim or a goal."
What is Purpose and how is it different from an objective?
Hint 1: An objective has a beginning and end. How could it be that Purpose would be eternal?
Hint 2: We are told that faith is a power that can move mountains. Is purpose related to the power that makes faith work?
"The human mind is not capable of grasping the Universe. We are like a little child entering a huge library. The walls are covered to the ceilings with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written these books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. But the child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books -- a mysterious order which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects."
-- Albert Einstein
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