2000-11-4 11:53:00
We allow a lot of freedom here in this class, but it is not a free-for-all as are some lists, and we do attempt to give it a purpose and direction. Some wish for more structure and some less. Overall I think we have a happy medium.
Moving on, the issue before us is:
Now what is the difference between one who has true knowledge in his brain, but has no soul contact about it and another who has true knowledge plus soul contact?
We have had some great comments on knowledge. I must compliment Peter for his 15+ steps. Many illusionary teachers want to over simplify things and present one giant step to a point of understanding or some type of liberation.
"Accept Jesus and be saved" is a popular one. This is one giant step that is advocated and nothing more will be required for all eternity.
New Agers are certainly not immune to the giant step illusion.
They often say the same thing but with different wording.
"Accept the Christ consciousness and that is all you need." That is the Second Coming and the whole ball of wax.
To see the unity and wholeness of an idea it is always good to divide and itemize. God even did this to understand Itself. He multiplied Himself and entered into His reflections so in the end the One Life can understand Itself.
Lorraine made a great point that many criminals and sociopaths have great knowledge but no soul and thus misuse the knowledge.
The rest of you made great comments too. I'll try and add to them.
Knowledge without soul contact is useful, but has no guidance. Such a possessor then is like the Titanic (a floating ship of knowledge) unable to steer away from an iceberg which could sink it.
Knowledge with soul contact has two main advantages.
There is a difference between knowing and knowing that you know.
In regular knowing an item seems true and all evidence seems to bear this out. When your soul confirms knowledge you go a step further and "know that you know" because the witness speaks to the real part of yourself which never fails.
Knowledge, by itself, even when confirmed through soul contact, has no stability without the other two legs of the triangle which are Wisdom and Understanding.
Now, let us move to the second aspect of Wisdom and define it. Keep in mind that when we define words in this class that we are not looking for a strict dictionary definition, but a class definition that will help us understand the principle behind the word.
The use of knowledge under the guidance of the soul which leads to the greatest benefit for the largest number of possible recipients.
Example: If one uses computer knowledge to rob a bank he obviously lacks wisdom. But if he uses this knowledge to assist others to better themselves then we have knowledge guided by wisdom.
Now, wisdom is a wonderful thing and so is knowledge but both of them would aimlessly drift along without the third aspect of understanding.
Understanding gives eyes to knowledge and wisdom so the seeker is able to give completion to his service.
Using our analogy -- he who knows can operate a computer and get on the Internet. He who has wisdom will seek to put this knowledge to good purpose -- for instance helping crime victims.
But he who has understanding will see how to communicate the knowledge so it will be received and put to use. If knowledge and wisdom are not put to use then it would be as if they did not exist.
Knowledge is connected to the throat center, wisdom belongs in the heart and understanding is directed by the head.
The next principles to discuss are centered around the first aspect of power which in turn is divided into Will-Power-Purpose.
How would you define these three divine aspects and how do you suppose they provide a key to manifesting that which the seeker decides?
"Doesn't it seem strange that I should be here - a man who couldn't cut a chicken's head off?"
-- Comment from Lincoln in the midst of the Civil War
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