2000-10-31 00:02:00
Your point is well taken Chris about not linking ourselves with many of the illusionary groups out there. It is true that there are some names and symbols that we would not want to use because of the negative thought attached to them, but I do not see any problem with any of the terms I use. A teacher cannot proceed as if he may be stepping on eggshells. Purity of motive and the light of truth can dispel much that may come against us.
If we had to avoid words that could be construed as negative we could hardly use any words.
Consider words such as Bible, Jesus, Christ, God, Lord, Spirit, baptism, salvation etc. These are all Biblical words that are used by many preachers that I would never associate with, yet the words are positive when used in the teaching of truth.
As far as the term "New Jerusalem" is concerned it may be true that some unsavory organizations use the term, but so what? There have been millions of sincere people over thousands of years who have lived and died with this as a concept of beauty in their hearts and minds so overall this term vibrates to a high key in the ethers.
I have never been a joiner and have never been a member of any secret group. I haven't even been a member of any church for over 20 years.
I am a big supporter of the works of Alice A. Bailey, but am not connected with Lucis Trust in any way.
Basically none of the other groups have my attention. Lack of attention is one of the best protectors from negativity of association.
Now back to the subject at hand:
We've had some good pearls of wisdom today such as Keith's:
"I can possess knowledge without wisdom. This would explain our world's present situation. Science and technology possess great knowledge but little wisdom.
"If you possess both knowledge and wisdom you then have understanding. With this understanding you can become God's will in action. Applying knowledge with wisdom and understanding gives you God like attributes. Examples would be Moses and Jesus.
"Wisdom binds knowledge to understanding. Wisdom is the glue which bonds the three into a vision of truth. The three together enable you to apprehend truth.
"The principle would be something like: Knowledge plus understanding equals wisdom which enables the seeker to apprehend truth."
Glenys gave a profound quote from Djwahl Khul:
"Wisdom concerns the one Self, knowledge deals with the not-self, whilst the understanding is the point of view of the Ego, or Thinker, or his relation between them."
Let us examine these more deeply and start with knowledge.
Is all information knowledge? If not then what kind if information is knowledge and how is true knowledge acquired.
Is knowledge really power? Why or Why not?
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