2000-10-30 22:00:00
The law expressing this principle (of differentiation) is this:
In creation where there is more than one, no two items will be alike, but each will have properties peculiar to itself.
Is it then illusion to see two as the same rather than different?
An off shoot of the principle of differentiation is discernment. What is discernment and why do we have to see the many in all of their colors before we see the One?
Answer - It can be illusion to see sameness. Seeing the unity and oneness of all life and forms is good and true, but seeing sameness where there is no sameness is illusion and the source of many problems we experience in our society today.
For instance, the tendency in education today is to give all students a similar grade even though their performance is much different.
Many classes also use the same teaching methods for all even though some are prepared for much more advanced learning than others.
In economics many want to force sameness by stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Equality is a desirable goal but it cannot be obtained by force or by the illusion of seeing sameness when such does not exist. Differences must be seen as they really are and then we must proceed toward unity.
Any unity and oneness that seems to be obtained by seeing illusionary sameness or the use of force is not true unity. Oneness must be obtained through true seeing and free will.
The beauty of a flower can only be fully appreciated when one discerns all the differing colors and shapes that join together as one creation. If one tried to see only one color where there were hundreds or one shape where there are many, the beauty and oneness of the life in the flower would be bypassed.
Discernment is seen by many to be separative whereas the truth is that a lack of discernment produces separateness as illusion always does. True discernment sees the many and allows one to find the true unity in the many. Discernment allows the seeker to move away from a black and white world to one with thousands of shades. The shades are a part of the life of God as well as the stark contrasts.
The next principles to consider are behind the words "knowledge - wisdom - understanding."
Explain the meaning of each of these words and attempt to reveal their principles.
"I want to know God's thoughts,..... the rest are details.."
Albert Einstein
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