
2000-10-27 10:53:00

In a previous article we learned we can understand then that physical light is not realized without contrast.

I then asked:  "Does the same apply when we examine the spiritual light of understanding?"

Since no one answered this specific question, this may indicate a lack of interest, or that the question seems too difficult or obscure. Chris, to his credit, did make some thoughtful comments on the subject. Therefore, I'll give you my views and we'll move on.

The answer to the question is a definite yes. The same principle of contrast applies to the light of understanding as it does to regular visible light.

Can spiritual light shine in the darkness and none perceive it? Yes, if there are no contrasts available.

What provides the contrast so we can become "enlightened" through the higher light? The mind can contrast one thought against another and come to a logical conclusion that will shed "light." But then the time comes that the contrasts made by the mind reaches its limit, and the mind then "slays the real." Finally when soul contact is reached the mind becomes a reflector of the soul, and the contrast between the higher light of soul and the lower light of mind creates enlightenment and understanding on the physical plane.

The next principle is called the Principle of Revelation. This refers to understanding that which is transmitted from a higher life to a lower, from a higher sphere to a lower, or from the heavenly to the earthly, etc.


Do you have to be a prophet, guru or master to receive revelation or is it available to us all?

What are the principles that make it work for us?

What are the hindrances to revelation?

Tell us what the greatest revelation of your life was.