2000-10-19 10:42:00
There is an interesting interplay of energies going on. We must keep in mind that the majority of us are here for a singular purpose, and as long as we do not drift from that purpose, but focus on the learning goals of the list, than any diversion will be short-lived. Energy follows thought and if we keep our thought focused, the energy will follow and we can have the learning and atmosphere we desire without censorship.
There will come a time when the list becomes larger and the postings so varied, that a second list will have to be created. It may operate under different principles than this one, but for now it is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
I am glad to see numerous friendly faces returning and lighting candles, and for this I am thankful. You have the power to make this a friendly place where newcomers will feel a spirit of truth being presented.
Chris, the question you asked me about children was very long, and I'm not even sure I understand it all. It looks like it would take a month to cover it in full. I will just say a few things.
Pain experienced in childhood mainly has a strong influence on emotionally polarized people and some types of therapy are useful. There are many therapies available to people experiencing these types of problem. I encourage them, but am not involved with them. I cannot be all things to all people.
For those who are progressed upon the Path approaching liberation; however, there is a cure. It is soul contact. Soul contact and attention on your spiritual center can immediately erase the negative effects of all childhood pain. Since I am a strong advocate of soul contact, then I guess you could say I am advocating the ultimate therapy for those with a painful past.
Do I remember my own childhood pain? Yes, and I remember it very clearly, but I can think back on it all with no pain in the present, no ill effects. This is not because my childhood was easy. It was not the worst in the world, but it was far from the best. My parents were alcoholics and if I were to give you all the details it would sound like I am attempting to play the victim, an attitude that repulses me.
If I were to put a lot of attention on past problems, I am sure I could convince myself that I am a victim and even God is punishing me. But to do so, I would have to leave the kingdom of the soul where there is joy and peace that passes all understanding, where the pain of the past is seen as illusion with no power. I have had my share of pain and do not fear it. I had two major root canals a while back and used no Novocain. If pain causes no fear then it will have no power.
The Question:
What type of resistance brings pain?
How do we end the resistance?
I have enjoyed reading your comments on this and can't think of any without value. As I have said many times before. Your post may touch someone that mine passes over so I thank you for your participation.
Basically most unnatural forms of pain, especially related to disease comes from resistance to the higher will revealed through the soul.
Larry said it well:
"Resistance to the direction (of evolution) our soul is attempting to move us to? Life is a series of lessons presented by our soul. Pain comes from resisting those lessons and having to repeat them?"
In a way we all have soul contact, but are not all conscious of it. If we are not conscious of soul then we tend to ignore its voice and direction. Because we are not paying attention the only way the soul can get our attention is through pain. That pain comes in diverse ways. Through the pain of disease, through some accidents, through broken relationships and so on.
How do we end the resistance?
First we must find out what it is that we are resisting. If one is not sensitive to the inner voice he must look at patterns in his life and look for clues in the lessons being taught. A big shortcut comes with soul contact for then the seeker can listen to the inner voice and receive a direct answer. Once the answer is realized one must follow the higher will or face an increase in pain. If one is willful and disregards the will of the soul the painful experiences will continue to grow until the person either yields to the will of the soul or cuts himself off from soul and becomes in danger of the dark path.
We've stated that pain is a great teacher. There are other types of pain besides physical. What are they and give an example of truth that you realized because of it.
"There is nothing too good to be true." The Immortal
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved