2000-10-14 09:20:00
Several are commenting on the loneliness that a disciple feels and this is quite natural, especially the great loneliness that creates a point of tensions that breaks through to the Oneness Principle and the group mind with whom you are associated.
If you are on the threshold of merging your mind with your spiritual group or spiritual molecule, here are some points you may identify with.
(1) First and foremost is a deep abiding loneliness. You feel isolated because your friends, family and associates do not understand you, nor communicate on any higher level with you. In fact the loneliness seems beyond any physical isolation, but a far reaching spiritual loneliness.
There seems to be no one to share your innermost thoughts with. No one can understand what you are going through.
(2) You sense higher "vibrations" contacts and phenomenon you do not understand and may have some fears about them.
(3) It seems as if negative forces are trying to discourage or destroy you.
(4) You feel a strong sense of mission but are not sure what it is.
(5) You yearn for communion with one who understands you or one who you know is ahead of you on the Path.
(6) You may have health problems, particularly connected with the nervous system that you feel is tied to spiritual tension of some kind.
(7) You are a definite seeker after truth, but have come across several roadblocks that seem to block your next angle of vision.
What is the solution to this problem?
Continue moving forward following the highest you know, no matter what happens and the point of tension will increase. You will be sent certain energies or vibrations that will take a while to adapt to. At first they will seem overwhelming, but just as your eyes adjust to a strong light even so after a period of time you will adjust to these new energies. And when you do you will move through the point of tension into the group mind. When you then join your group all feelings of loneliness will disappear and become next to impossible to experience as you did before.
All these problems that seemed to plague you in the past now begin to die through attrition as you move your point of focus to a higher level where new obstacles to surmount appear, but this time you do not fight them alone for your friends are with you.
"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."
Gnostic Gospel
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved